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Ryanair améliore son service client grâce à Amazon SageMaker

À l'aide d'Amazon Lex et d'Amazon SageMaker, Ryanair a créé un chatbot qui améliore l'expérience de son service client et aide les clients à trouver des réponses à leurs questions rapidement et facilement.

Ryanair est la plus grande compagnie aérienne d'Europe, transportant plus de 150 millions de passagers par an vers plus de 200 destinations sur 2 400 vols quotidiens. La société a travaillé avec Cation Consulting, partenaire du réseau de partenaires AWS, pour mettre en œuvre une solution.


Nous voulions tirer parti de la technologie d'IA développée par AWS afin d'améliorer l'expérience de nos clients.

Lee Reddin
Responsable de la conception des services, Ryanair

Services AWS utilisés

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker est un service entièrement géré qui réunit un large éventail d'outils pour permettre un machine learning (ML) à hautes performances et à faible coût, quel que soit le cas d'utilisation.

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Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex est un service d'intelligence artificielle (IA) entièrement géré doté de modèles de langage naturel avancés pour la conception, la création, le test et le déploiement d'interfaces conversationnelles dans des applications.

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Plus de témoignages de clients du secteur des voyages

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  • Netherlands

    Booking.com on AWS

    Seamlessly connecting millions of travelers with memorable experiences every day—including accommodation, flights, rides, and attractions—Booking.com is one of the world’s leading online travel platforms. Its mission is to make it easier for everyone to experience the world. No matter who you are or where you want to go, Booking.com can help make it happen. The company uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) and generative artificial intelligence (AI) to put more than 150 petabytes of data to work to improve booking services. Collaborating with AWS Professional Services, and using technologies such as Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Bedrock, it has built a scalable machine learning framework that’s accelerating experimentation and innovation.
  • France

    Accor on AWS

    Accor hotels group strives to go above and beyond its customers’ expectations and provide each of them with inspiring and personalized experiences. To achieve this, the hotels group is supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS) technologies and uses scalable cloud solutions, along with smart Internet of Things devices which run on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Accor hosts millions of traveling customers in 5,200 hotels in 110 countries around the world, with the capacity to open one hew hotel every day.
  • Americas

    United Airlines Powers Seamless Customer Experience During Travel Disruptions with AWS Serverless Containers

    United Airlines is a global airline that transports over 500,000 customers per day to 460 airports worldwide. United Airlines set out to build and deploy a new feature on its mobile app called "Delays and Cancels" that gave customers more control over their travel plans during disruptions.
  • Germany

    TUI Group on AWS

    Leisure and tourism business TUI Group operates 1,600 travel agencies, 400 hotels, 16 cruise ships, and 5 airlines—helping millions of customers discover hundreds of destinations globally. One of the largest travel companies in the world, it migrated to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2017 to build a modern infrastructure for cutting-edge travel services.
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