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Ryanair améliore son service client grâce à Amazon SageMaker

À l'aide d'Amazon Lex et d'Amazon SageMaker, Ryanair a créé un chatbot qui améliore l'expérience de son service client et aide les clients à trouver des réponses à leurs questions rapidement et facilement.

Ryanair est la plus grande compagnie aérienne d'Europe, transportant plus de 150 millions de passagers par an vers plus de 200 destinations sur 2 400 vols quotidiens. La société a travaillé avec Cation Consulting, partenaire du réseau de partenaires AWS, pour mettre en œuvre une solution.


Nous voulions tirer parti de la technologie d'IA développée par AWS afin d'améliorer l'expérience de nos clients.

Lee Reddin
Responsable de la conception des services, Ryanair

Services AWS utilisés

Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker est un service entièrement géré qui réunit un large éventail d'outils pour permettre un machine learning (ML) à hautes performances et à faible coût, quel que soit le cas d'utilisation.

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Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex est un service d'intelligence artificielle (IA) entièrement géré doté de modèles de langage naturel avancés pour la conception, la création, le test et le déploiement d'interfaces conversationnelles dans des applications.

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Plus de témoignages de clients du secteur des voyages

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Total results: 139

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  • United States

    Expedia Group on AWS

    Innovating on AWS since 2013, Expedia Group announced it was going all in on AWS in 2017, with plans to migrate 80 percent of its mission-critical applications and nearly 20 years of data from on-premises data centers to the cloud. Using storage, compute, and database solutions on AWS helped Expedia Group enhance travelers’ booking experiences, speed up vendor payment transactions from 1 day to seconds, save millions of dollars, and scale to handle hundreds of million website visits each month.
  • UK/IR

    Deliveroo on AWS

    Deliveroo has built its successful food delivery business by meeting customer needs quickly. Deliveroo uses AWS in every part of its core business: accepting orders, transmitting them to restaurants, and delivering meals to customers. On AWS, Deliveroo can go deeper into its data, using analytics and machine learning to enhance every part of the business.
  • Europe

    TUI Creates Great Travel Experiences for 60 Million Customers a Year Using Generative AI and AWS

    Travelers choose TUI for the end-to-end experience. Market-leading expertise, seamless booking, and stellar support combine to help make holiday dreams come true. The biggest travel company in Europe, TUI is using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and generative artificial intelligence (AI) to increase internal efficiency and transform customer interactions. Dr. Lukas Schack, TUI’s principal machine learning engineer, says generative AI is set to have a “big, big” impact as the business uses Amazon Bedrock and a range of foundation models to better serve 60 million travelers a year.
  • Europe

    Booking.com Helps Customers Experience a New World of Travel Using AWS and Generative AI

    From small Netherlands-based startup to one of the world’s leading digital travel agencies—Booking.com has changed the way people make their travel plans. As a technology-focused business, it is looking to generative artificial intelligence (AI) to improve recommendations for customers, removing friction and delivering a tailored booking experience. By fine-tuning language models using Amazon Bedrock, the company is connecting customers with their dream destinations, making Booking.com the go-to platform for travel inspiration.
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