Témoignages de clients / Secteur de la fabrication

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Siemens accompagne la transformation numérique des entreprises

Siemens est une entreprise manufacturière mondiale basée en Europe et leader du marché dans plusieurs secteurs, notamment la fabrication, les infrastructures, les transports et les soins de santé. Siemens est un partenaire consultant AWS et un fournisseur indépendant de logiciels (ISV) spécialisé dans les jumeaux numériques et l'IoT.

Écoutez Tosh Tambe, VP Software as a Service (SaaS) portfolio Strategy, expliquer comment Siemens contribue à rendre ses outils logiciels plus accessibles, évolutifs et flexibles afin de réduire le délai de rentabilisation pour ses clients.

Explorer le parcours de Siemens en matière d'innovation avec AWS

Plus d'études de cas Siemens

Showing results: 9-12
Total results: 25
  • Date

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  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    Siemens Smart Infrastructure Builds Cloud-Native Applications on AWS

    Peter Löffler, vice president of Siemens Smart Infrastructure’s Trends and Industry Affairs unit, describes the role AWS plays in supporting Siemens’ development of cloud-native platforms and applications.
  • North America

    Siemens on AWS

    Siemens uses an array of AWS services to bring IIOT to railways and factories, developing intelligent infrastructure for buildings and distributed energy systems, implementing AI into its cybersecurity platform, and more.
  • Germany

    Siemens Energy Accelerates Application Development with metaphactory Knowledge Graph

    Through the metaphactory platform procured from AWS Marketplace, Siemens Energy built and deployed an end-user oriented custom knowledge graph application for managing its fleet of large gas turbines in just six months.
  • United States

    Siemens Builds the Junelight Smart Battery in a Startup-like Environment on AWS

    Junelight is one of relatively few Siemens products aimed at individual consumers—an important new segment for Siemens. The company has traditionally focused on business-to-business sales but is increasingly targeting “behind the meter” devices and services like the Junelight system. By using AWS, the SDI team was able to bring Junelight from an idea on a whiteboard to a product in the marketplace in less than two years.
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