Cloud Game Development

Increase developer velocity and achieve globally distributed collaboration with the broadest set of services and solutions from AWS and partners

Cloud Game Development Learning Plan

Did you know we offer 5 learning plans for AWS for Games? Visit our AWS for Games training center for free, public training for Cloud Game Development, Game Servers, Game Analytics, AI & Machine Learning, and Database solutions.

Cloud Game Development Learning Plan

Enable your teams and accelerate your development

Explore solutions by use case

Build Pipelines

Benefit from faster game builds and convenient, distributed testing, without needing to procure, configure, operate, maintain, and upgrade fleets of physical computers.

Version Control

Build a fast and scalable version control system, store assets in a central location, accessible by developers working remotely.


Create virtual workstations for artists and designers, and build storage workloads comprised of petabytes of data for both hybrid and full cloud pipelines.

How Sony Interactive Entertainment renders with AWS

Sony Interactive Entertainment is modernizing its existing infrastructure to remotely render visual images and effects using AWS.

Watch the presentation 

Customer stories

Read what our customers are saying about why they build their remote game production on AWS.

  • Gearbox Entertainment goes remote with AWS and Perforce

    Gearbox turned to AWS and AWS Partner Perforce to help keep its business running effectively with employees working from home by moving game production to the cloud.

    Read the blog

  • How Epic Games develops Fortnite faster with a build farm on AWS

    Epic Games migrated its internal build farm from on-premises to AWS services, including Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3, Epic drastically improved development iteration times and its rapid release cycle to continually deliver fresh content to players.

    Watch the presentation

  • Star Stable Reduces Build Times by 50% Using Amazon EC2 Mac Instances

    Star Stable Entertainment implemented EC2 Mac Instances and reduced build times, using on-demand scaling to adjust the power of its build environment as needed to deploy changes faster.

    Read the case study

Innovate with key industry partners

Discover purpose-built AWS for Games solutions and services from an extensive network of industry-leading AWS Partners who have demonstrated technical expertise and customer success in building solutions on AWS.

  • TeamCity Cloud

    TeamCity Cloud is a SaaS version of the powerful and intelligent CI/CD platform by JetBrains.

    Learn more about TeamCity Cloud


  • Incredibuild

    Incredibuild delivers a powerful solution that gives developers and DevOps managers a smart, scalable platform to continuously build, improve and release your product on time.

    Learn more about Incredibuild


  • Nasuni Cloud File Services

    Nasuni Cloud File Services leverages Amazon S3 to consolidate NAS, distributed file server, backup, archiving, DR, and multi-site file synchronization capabilities in one scalable platform that spans the data center and the cloud.

    Learn more about Nasuni


  • Nasuni Cloud File Services

    JFrog Artifactory Cloud is a scalable, universal binary repository manager that provides end-to-end automation and management of your binaries and artifacts through the application delivery process.

    Learn more about JFrog


  • Perforce Helix Core (P4D)

    Perforce Helix Core (P4D) helps development teams move faster, even as they work on complex products. It provides a single source of truth for all digital assets and scales to manage the largest global teams and large binary assets across industries.

    Learn more about Perforce Helix Core


  • Nextira

    Nextira (formerly Six Nines Studio in the Cloud with Unreal Engine 5 is a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution custom-made for game development studios.

    Learn more about Nextira


  • Parsec

    Parsec is an ultra-low latency remote desktop application. It gives you and your team access to computers in the cloud with a multi-monitor, 60+ frames per second, 4K connection while using minimal bandwidth and supporting peripheral devices like wacom tablets and gamepads.

    Learn more about Parsec


  • Unreal Engine

    Unreal Engine is the world's most open and advanced real-time 3D creation tool for photorealistic visuals and immersive experiences. This Amazon Machine Image (AMI) comes pre-loaded with the latest release of UE 5.2.1 and all its prerequisites so you can get straight to creating in the cloud with no downloads or installs.

    Learn more about Unreal Engine