Getting started with Amazon ECS using AWS Copilot - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Getting started with Amazon ECS using AWS Copilot

Get started with Amazon ECS using AWS Copilot by deploying an Amazon ECS application.


Before you begin, make sure that you meet the following prerequisites:

Deploy your application using one command

Make sure that you have the AWS command line tool installed and have already run aws configure before you start.

Deploy the application using the following command.

git clone demo-app && \ cd demo-app && \ copilot init --app demo \ --name api \ --type 'Load Balanced Web Service' \ --dockerfile './Dockerfile' \ --port 80 \ --deploy

Deploy your application step by step

Step 1: Configure your credentials

Run aws configure to set up a default profile that the AWS Copilot CLI uses to manage your application and services.

aws configure

Step 2: Clone the demo app

Clone a simple Flask application and Dockerfile.

git clone demo-app

Step 3: Set up your application

  1. From within the demo-app directory, run the init command.

    For Windows users, run the init command from the folder that contains the downloaded copilot.exe file.

    copilot init

    AWS Copilot walks you through the setup of your first application and service with a series of terminal prompts, starting with next step. If you have already used AWS Copilot to deploy applications, you're prompted to choose one from a list of application names.

  2. Name your application.

    What would you like to name your application? [? for help]

    Enter demo.

Step 4: Set up an ECS Service in your "demo" Application

  1. You're prompted to choose a service type. You're building a simple Flask application that serves a small API.

    Which service type best represents your service's architecture? [Use arrows to move, type to filter, ? for more help] > Load Balanced Web Service Backend Service Scheduled Job

    Choose Load Balanced Web Service .

  2. Provide a name for your service.

    What do you want to name this Load Balanced Web Service? [? for help]

    Enter api for your service name.

  3. Select a Dockerfile.

    Which Dockerfile would you like to use for api? [Use arrows to move, type to filter, ? for more help] > ./Dockerfile Use an existing image instead

    Choose Dockerfile.

    For Windows users, enter the path to the Dockerfile in the demo-app folder (*`...\demo-app\Dockerfile`*\.).

  4. Define port.

    Which port do you want customer traffic sent to? [? for help] (80)

    Enter 80 or accept default.

  5. You will see a log showing the application resources being created.

    Creating the infrastructure to manage services under application demo.
  6. After the application resources are created, deploy a test environment.

    Would you like to deploy a test environment? [? for help] (y/N)

    Enter y.

    Proposing infrastructure changes for the test environment.
  7. You will see a log displaying the status of your application deployment.

    Note: It's best to run this command in the root of your Git repository. Welcome to the Copilot CLI! We're going to walk you through some questions to help you get set up with an application on ECS. An application is a collection of containerized services that operate together. Use existing application: No Application name: demo Workload type: Load Balanced Web Service Service name: api Dockerfile: ./Dockerfile no EXPOSE statements in Dockerfile ./Dockerfile Port: 80 Ok great, we'll set up a Load Balanced Web Service named api in application demo listening on port 80. ✔ Created the infrastructure to manage services under application demo. ✔ Wrote the manifest for service api at copilot/api/manifest.yml Your manifest contains configurations like your container size and port (:80). ✔ Created ECR repositories for service api. All right, you're all set for local development. Deploy: Yes ✔ Created the infrastructure for the test environment. - Virtual private cloud on 2 availability zones to hold your services [Complete] - Virtual private cloud on 2 availability zones to hold your services [Complete] - Internet gateway to connect the network to the internet [Complete] - Public subnets for internet facing services [Complete] - Private subnets for services that can't be reached from the internet [Complete] - Routing tables for services to talk with each other [Complete] - ECS Cluster to hold your services [Complete] ✔ Linked account aws_account_id and region region to application demo. ✔ Created environment test in region region under application demo. Environment test is already on the latest version v1.0.0, skip upgrade. [+] Building 0.8s (7/7) FINISHED => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s => => transferring context: 2B 0.0s => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s => => transferring dockerfile: 37B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for 0.7s => [internal] load build context 0.0s => => transferring context: 32B 0.0s => [1/2] FROM 0.0s => CACHED [2/2] COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html 0.0s => exporting to image 0.0s => => exporting layers 0.0s => => writing image sha256:3ee02fd4c0f67d7bd808ed7fc73263880649834cbb05d5ca62380f539f4884c4 0.0s => => naming to 0.0s WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/user/.docker/config.json. Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See Login Succeeded The push refers to repository [] 592a5c0c47f1: Pushed 6c7de695ede3: Pushed 2f4accd375d9: Pushed ffc9b21953f4: Pushed cee7709: digest: sha_digest ✔ Deployed api, you can access it at

Step 5: Verify your application is running

View the status of your application by using the following commands.

List all of your AWS Copilot applications.

copilot app ls

Show information about the environments and services in your application.

copilot app show

Show information about your environments.

copilot env ls

Show information about the service, including endpoints, capacity and related resources.

copilot svc show

List of all the services in an application.

copilot svc ls

Show logs of a deployed service.

copilot svc logs

Show service status.

copilot svc status

List available commands and options.

copilot --help
copilot init --help

Step 6. Learn to create a CI/CD Pipeline

Instructions can be found in the ECS Workshop detailing how to fully automate a CI/CD pipeline and git workflow using AWS Copilot.

Step 7: Clean up

Run the following command to delete and clean up all resources.

copilot app delete