In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities to access readily available geospatial data, make ML predictions, and visualize the results.
Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities allow you to build, train, and deploy ML models using geospatial data. You can efficiently transform or enrich large-scale geospatial datasets, accelerate model building with pretrained ML models, and explore model predictions on an interactive map using 3D accelerated graphics and built-in visualization tools.
Geospatial data can be used for a variety of use cases, including natural disaster management and response, maximizing harvest yield and food security, supporting sustainable urban development, and more. For this tutorial, we will use SageMaker geospatial capabilities to assess wildfire damage. By creating and visualizing an Earth Observation Job for land cover segmentation organizations can assess the loss of vegetation caused by wildfires and effectively act to mitigate the damage.
What you will accomplish
- Onboard an Amazon SageMaker Studio Domain with access to Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities
- Create and run an Earth Observation Job (EOJ) to perform land cover segmentation
- Visualize the input and output of the job on an interactive map
- Export the job output to Amazon S3
- Analyze the exported data and perform further computations on the exported segmentation masks
Before starting this guide, you will need:
- An AWS account: If you don't already have an account, follow the Setting Up Your AWS Environment getting started guide for a quick overview.
Data scientist, ML Engineer
Time to complete
45 minutes
Use case
Machine learning
Cost to complete
Consult Amazon SageMaker Pricing for Geospatial ML to estimate cost for this tutorial.
Services used
Last updated
April 19, 2023
Step 1: Set up your Amazon SageMaker Studio domain
In this tutorial, you will use Amazon SageMaker Studio to access Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities.
Amazon SageMaker Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a single web-based visual interface where you can access purpose-built tools to perform all machine learning (ML) development steps, from preparing data to building, training, and deploying your ML models.
If you already have a SageMaker Studio domain in the US West (Oregon) Region, follow the SageMaker Studio setup guide to attach the required AWS IAM policies to your SageMaker Studio account, then skip Step 1, and proceed directly to Step 2.
If you don't have an existing SageMaker Studio domain, continue with Step 1 to run an AWS CloudFormation template that creates a SageMaker Studio domain and adds the permissions required for the rest of this tutorial.
a. Choose the AWS CloudFormation stack link. This link opens the AWS CloudFormation console and creates your SageMaker Studio domain and a user named studio-user. It also adds the required permissions to your SageMaker Studio account. In the CloudFormation console, confirm that US West (Oregon) is the Region displayed in the upper right corner. Stack name should be CFN-SM-Geospatial, and should not be changed. This stack takes about 10 minutes to create all the resources.
This stack assumes that you already have a public VPC set up in your account. If you do not have a public VPC, see VPC with a single public subnet to learn how to create a public VPC.
Step 2: Set up a SageMaker Studio notebook
b. Choose US West (Oregon) from the Region dropdown list on the upper right corner of the SageMaker console.
c. To launch the app, select Studio from the left console and select Open Studio using the studio-user profile.
d. The SageMaker Studio Creating application screen will be displayed. The application will take a few minutes to load.
f. In the Set up notebook environment dialog box, under Image, select Geospatial 1.0. The Python 3 kernel is selected automatically. Under Instance type, choose ml.geospatial.interactive. Then, choose Select.
Step 3: Create an Earth Observation Job
In this step, you'll use Amazon SageMaker Studio geospatial notebook to create an Earth Observation job (EOJ) which allows you to acquire, transform, and visualize geospatial data.
In this example, you'll be using a pre-trained machine learning model for land cover segmentation. Depending on your use case, you can choose from a variety of operations and models when running an EOJ.
a. In the Jupyter notebook, in a new code cell, copy and paste the following code and select Run.
- This will initialize the geospatial client and import libraries for geospatial processing.
- As the geospatial notebook image comes with these libraries already pre-installed and configured, there is no need to install them first.
import boto3
import sagemaker
import sagemaker_geospatial_map
import time
import datetime
import os
from glob import glob
import rasterio
from rasterio.plot import show
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tifffile
sagemaker_session = sagemaker.Session()
export_bucket = sagemaker_session.default_bucket() # Alternatively you can use your custom bucket here.
session = boto3.Session()
execution_role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
geospatial_client = session.client(service_name="sagemaker-geospatial")
b. Next you will define and start a new Earth Observation Job (EOJ).
- In the EOJ configuration, you can define an area of interest (AOI), a time range and cloud-cover-percentage-based filters. Also, you can choose a data provider.
- In the provided configuration, the area of interest is an area in California which was affected by the Dixie wildfire. The underlying data is from the Sentinel-2 mission.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
- When the job is created, it can be referenced with a dedicated ARN.
- When the job is created, it can be referenced with a dedicated ARN.
eoj_input_config = {
"RasterDataCollectionQuery": {
"RasterDataCollectionArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker-geospatial:us-west-2:378778860802:raster-data-collection/public/nmqj48dcu3g7ayw8",
"AreaOfInterest": {
"AreaOfInterestGeometry": {
"PolygonGeometry": {
"Coordinates": [
[-121.32559295351282, 40.386534879495315],
[-121.32559295351282, 40.09770246706907],
[-120.86738632168885, 40.09770246706907],
[-120.86738632168885, 40.386534879495315],
[-121.32559295351282, 40.386534879495315]
"TimeRangeFilter": {
"StartTime": "2021-06-01T00:00:00Z",
"EndTime": "2021-09-30T23:59:59Z",
"PropertyFilters": {
"Properties": [{"Property": {"EoCloudCover": {"LowerBound": 0, "UpperBound": 0.1}}}],
"LogicalOperator": "AND",
eoj_config = {"LandCoverSegmentationConfig": {}}
response = geospatial_client.start_earth_observation_job(
eoj_arn = response["Arn"]
e. While the job is running, you can explore the raster data which is used as input for the EOJ.
- Use the geospatial SDK to retrieve image URLs in a cloud optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
search_params = eoj_input_config.copy()
search_params["Arn"] = "arn:aws:sagemaker-geospatial:us-west-2:378778860802:raster-data-collection/public/nmqj48dcu3g7ayw8"
search_params["RasterDataCollectionQuery"].pop("RasterDataCollectionArn", None)
search_params["RasterDataCollectionQuery"]["BandFilter"] = ["visual"]
cog_urls = []
search_result = geospatial_client.search_raster_data_collection(**search_params)
for item in search_result["Items"]:
asset_url = item["Assets"]["visual"]["Href"]
f. Next, you will use the COG URLs to visualize the input data for the area of interest.
This provides you with a visual comparison of the area before and after the wildfire.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
cog_urls.sort(key=lambda x: x.split("TFK_")[1])
src_pre = rasterio.open(cog_urls[0])
src_post = rasterio.open(cog_urls[-1])
fig, (ax_before, ax_after) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,7))
subplot = show(src_pre, ax=ax_before)
subplot.set_title("Pre-wildfire ({})".format(cog_urls[0].split("TFK_")[1]))
subplot = show(src_post, ax=ax_after)
subplot.set_title("Post-wildfire ({})".format(cog_urls[-1].split("TFK_")[1]))
g. Before you can proceed with further steps, the EOJ needs to complete.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
- This code will continuously output the current status of the job and execute until the EOJ is complete.
- Wait until the displayed status has changed to COMPLETED. This might take up to 20-25 minutes.
# check status of created Earth Observation Job and wait until it is completed
eoj_completed = False
while not eoj_completed:
response = geospatial_client.get_earth_observation_job(Arn=eoj_arn)
print("Earth Observation Job status: {} (Last update: {})".format(response['Status'], datetime.datetime.now()), end='\r')
eoj_completed = True if response['Status'] == 'COMPLETED' else False
if not eoj_completed:
Step 4: Visualize the Earth Observation Job
In this step, you'll use visualization functionalities provided by Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities to visualize the input and outputs of your Earth Observation Job.
a. In the left-hand navigation, click on the arrow to expand the Data section. Then, choose Geospatial.
b. In the new Geospaction tab, you will find an overview of all your EOJs. Select the job dixie-wildfire-landcover-2021.
d. The visualization will show you initially the output for the landcover segmentation for the most recent date in the To Date field.
- The image presented is the land cover data after the wildfire.
- The pixels in dark orange represent vegetated areas (as described in legends for EOJ).
- Select the arrow on the left side to open the visualization options.
e. Within the visualization options you can select and configure all geospatial and data layers.
- Select the Hide symbol for the output raster tile layer. You will be able to see the underlying input data layer.
f. You are also able to visualize different time periods of the input and output data of your EOJ.
- Select the 30th of June 2021 in the To Date field.
g. The data displayed is satellite imagery from before the 30th of June 2021.
- This timeframe was before the wildfire, and the amount of vegetation (dark orange) is much higher than on the output viewed previously.
- You can again select to hide the output layer to see the underlying input satellite image (as in the step before).
- To proceed to the next step, select the tab Untitled1.ipynb to switch back to the notebook.
Step 5: Export the Earth Observation Job to Amazon S3
In this step, the output data from the Earth Observation Job will be exported to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket and the exported segmentation masks will be downloaded for further processing.
a. You will use the geospatial SDK to export the output of the Earth Observation Job to S3.
- This operation takes between 1-2 minutes to complete.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
bucket_prefix = "eoj_dixie_wildfire_landcover"
response = geospatial_client.export_earth_observation_job(
"S3Data": {"S3Uri": f"s3://{export_bucket}/{bucket_prefix}/"}
while not response['ExportStatus'] == 'SUCCEEDED':
response = geospatial_client.get_earth_observation_job(Arn=eoj_arn)
print("Export of Earth Observation Job status: {} (Last update: {})".format(response['ExportStatus'], datetime.datetime.now()), end='\r')
if not response['ExportStatus'] == 'SUCCEEDED':
b. Next, you will download the mask files from S3 into SageMaker Studio.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
s3_bucket = session.resource("s3").Bucket(export_bucket)
mask_dir = "./dixie-wildfire-landcover/masks"
os.makedirs(mask_dir, exist_ok=True)
for s3_object in s3_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=bucket_prefix).all():
path, filename = os.path.split(s3_object.key)
if "output" in path:
mask_local_path = mask_dir + "/" + filename
s3_bucket.download_file(s3_object.key, mask_local_path)
print("Downloaded mask: " + mask_local_path)
mask_files = glob(os.path.join(mask_dir, "*.tif"))
mask_files.sort(key=lambda x: x.split("TFK_")[1])
Step 6: Analyze the exported segmentation masks
In this step, you'll use geospatial Python libraries included in the SageMaker geospatial image to perform further operations on the exported data.
a. Using the numpy and tifffile libraries, you will extract dedicated segmentation classes (vegetation and water) out of the mask data and store this data in variables for later usage.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
landcover_simple_colors = {"not vegetated": "khaki","vegetated": "olivedrab", "water": "lightsteelblue"}
def extract_masks(date_str):
mask_file = list(filter(lambda x: date_str in x, mask_files))[0]
mask = tifffile.imread(mask_file)
focus_area_mask = mask[400:1100, 600:1350]
vegetation_mask = np.isin(focus_area_mask, [4]).astype(np.uint8) # vegetation has a class index of 4
water_mask = np.isin(focus_area_mask, [6]).astype(np.uint8) # water has a class index of 6
water_mask[water_mask > 0] = 2
additive_mask = np.add(vegetation_mask, water_mask).astype(np.uint8)
return (focus_area_mask, vegetation_mask, additive_mask)
masks_20210603 = extract_masks("20210603")
masks_20210926 = extract_masks("20210926")
b. You will use now the preprocessed mask data to visualize the extracted classes.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,7))
fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(masks_20210603[2], cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(list(landcover_simple_colors.values()), N=None))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
hs = plt.imshow(masks_20210926[2], cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(list(landcover_simple_colors.values()), N=None))
patches = [ mpatches.Patch(color=i[1], label=i[0]) for i in landcover_simple_colors.items()]
plt.legend(handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0. )
c. Finally, you will compute and visualize the difference between the post- and pre-wildfire mask.
- This shows the impact the wildfire had on the vegetation in the observed area. More than 60% of vegetation was lost as a direct impact of the fire.
- Copy and paste the following code into a new code cell. Then, select Run.
vegetation_loss = round((1 - (masks_20210926[1].sum() / masks_20210603[1].sum())) * 100, 2)
diff_mask = np.add(masks_20210603[1], masks_20210926[1])
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.title("Loss in vegetation ({}%)".format(vegetation_loss))
plt.imshow(diff_mask, cmap=matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["black","crimson", "silver"], N=None))
patches = [mpatches.Patch(color="crimson", label="vegetation lost")]
plt.legend(handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0. )
Step 7: Clean up your AWS resources
It is a best practice to delete resources that you no longer need so that you don't incur unintended charges.
a. To delete the S3 bucket, complete the following steps:
- Open the Amazon S3 console. On the navigation bar, choose Buckets, sagemaker-<your-Region>-<your-account-id>, and then select the checkbox next to eoj_dixie_wildfire_landcover. Then, choose Delete.
- On the Delete objects dialog box, verify that you have selected the proper object to delete and enter permanently delete into the Permanently delete objects confirmation box.
- Once this is complete and the bucket is empty, you can delete the sagemaker-<your-Region>-<your-account-id> bucket by following the same steps again.
b. The Geospatial kernel used for running the notebook image in this tutorial will accumulate charges until you either stop the kernel or perform the following steps to delete the apps. For more information, see Shut Down Resources in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.
To delete the SageMaker Studio apps, perform the following steps:
- In the SageMaker console, choose Domains, and then choose StudioDomain.
- From the User profiles list, select studio-user, and then delete all the apps listed under Apps by choosing Delete app.
- To delete the JupyterServer, choose Action, then choose Delete.
- Wait until the Status changes to Deleted.
- Wait until the Status changes to Deleted.
- If you used an existing SageMaker Studio domain in Step 1, you can skip the rest of the steps, and proceed directly to the conclusion section.
- If you ran the CloudFormation template in Step 1 to create a new SageMaker Studio domain, continue with the following steps to delete the domain, user, and the resources created by the CloudFormation template.
- In the CloudFormation pane, choose Stacks. From the status dropdown list, select Active. Under Stack name, choose CFN-SM-Geospatial to open the stack details page.
- On CFN-SM-Geospatial stack details page, choose Delete to delete the stack along with the resources it created in Step 1.
Congratulations! You have finished the tutorial on how to assess wildfire damage with Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities.
In this tutorial, you used Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities to create and visualize an Earth Observation Job, exported its data to S3 and performed further computations on the data.
Next steps
You can continue your machine learning journey with Amazon SageMaker by following the next steps section below.