Podcast AWS Executive Insights untuk Pemimpin C-Suite

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Di podcast kami untuk para pemimpin bisnis, simak para eksekutif yang berbagi wawasan pribadi tentang pengembangan kepemimpinan, inovasi untuk pertumbuhan, membangun ketahanan, dan membentuk masa depan organisasi mereka.

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Episode video dari Podcast AWS Executive Insights

Tonton versi video dari beberapa podcast kepemimpinan kami yang paling populer, di mana ahli industri dan pemimpin AWS berbagi wawasan transformasi digital, strategi inovasi, dan banyak lagi. Simak perspektif yang dapat ditindaklanjuti, praktik terbaik, dan kepemimpinan pemikiran terbaru yang relevan dengan pengambil keputusan eksekutif. Dapatkan berbagai pilihan podcast kepemimpinan bisnis untuk CEO, CFO, CTO, dan pemimpin lainnya.

Dari Tertinggal hingga Terdepan: Menavigasi Tantangan Adopsi AI

Dalam episode ini, Ahli Strategi Perusahaan AWS memberikan peta jalan bagi organisasi yang mungkin merasa telah melewatkan keuntungan penggerak pertama dengan AI generatif. Mereka berbagi saran praktis untuk mengatasi hambatan umum seperti kelumpuhan analisis, pengelolaan risiko, dan peningkatan keterampilan tim.

Status AI Generatif

AI generatif memiliki potensi dampak ekonomi USD2,6 hingga USD4,4 triliun, tetapi bagaimana para pemimpin membukanya? Bergabunglah dengan Tom Godden, Direktur, AWS Enterprise Strategy, dan Aamer Baig, Mitra Senior di McKinsey and Co., saat mereka membahas keadaan AI generatif saat ini, dan ke mana ia dapat membawa kita di masa depan.

Disrupt or Be Disrupted: Cultivating Resilience Through Innovation

Konsep 'ketahanan bisnis' secara tradisional berpusat pada kapasitas organisasi untuk menangani kegagalan dan menghadapi gangguan. Namun, bisnis yang benar-benar tangguh tidak sekadar mengandalkan strategi respons belaka; bisnis secara proaktif mendesain dan menguji rencana dengan ketat untuk mencegah kemunduran tersebut. Bahkan, bisnis yang paling tangguh tidak hanya menahan gangguan, mereka menciptakannya.

Looking Forward by Working Backwards

Pemimpin dari Mitsubishi Electric membahas perjalanan mereka dalam mendorong transformasi digital di konglomerat manufaktur yang berusia 100 tahun. Mereka menceritakan bagaimana mereka memanfaatkan metodologi Working Backwards dari Amazon untuk lebih memahami kebutuhan pelanggan dan mengembangkan solusi baru yang inovatif, serta tantangan budaya dalam beralih dari organisasi yang saling terisolasi dan didorong aturan ke organisasi yang lebih tangkas serta didorong data.

Podcast untuk eksekutif teknologi cloud

Podcast AWS Executive Insights menghadirkan diskusi dengan para pemimpin eksekutif yang mentransformasi tim dan organisasi mereka. Dipandu oleh AWS Enterprise Strategists, seri ini mengeksplorasi topik-topik seperti kepemimpinan, budaya, dan manajemen perubahan.

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    Uniting Leaders for Responsible Use of Generative AI

    Featuring a panel from AWS Summit Washington DC 2024

    In this special episode, listen in on a panel from AWS Summit Washington DC 2024, featuring: Elizabeth Kelly, Director, US AI Safety Institute, National Institute of Standards & Technology; Rep. Ami Bera, M.D. , U.S. House of Representatives; Michael Sellitto, Head of Global Affairs, Anthropic; Dr. Radha Plumb, Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer, Department of Defense; and Olivia Igbokwe, Head of Federal Affairs and Federal AI, AWS

    Leaders from government and industry discuss the rapid advancements in generative AI technology and the critical need to ensure its responsible development and use. Experts explore the opportunities AI presents, such as improved healthcare and national security, as well as emerging challenges around mitigating risks like disinformation and misuse. The conversation highlights the importance of public-private partnership, global coordination, and iterative research to advance AI safety and enable ethical innovation.

  • Podcast

    Think Like The Adversary: Why Human Behavior is Key to Cybersecurity

    A conversation with Steve Schmidt, Vice President and CSO, Amazon; Avery Alpha, Director, Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence & Analysis, Department of Homeland Security, and Jake Braun, Acting Principal National Cyber Director, White House office of the National Cyber Director

    In this special episode, listen in on a panel from AWS Summit Washington DC 2024, featuring: Steve Schmidt, Vice President and CSO, Amazon; Avery Alpha, Director, Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence & Analysis, Department of Homeland Security, and Jake Braun, Acting Principal National Cyber Director, White House office of the National Cyber Director.

    In an age where technology reigns supreme, it's time to shift our focus from the technical to the human aspect of information security. While many perceive cybersecurity as solely a technical challenge, our adversaries are undeniably human, driven by complex motivations ranging from financial gain to ideology. Drawing parallels to espionage, our panelists will dissect the importance of embedding security into organizational culture and DNA. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion as we explore the critical role of people in safeguarding against cyber threats. From understanding adversaries' motives to fostering a security-conscious culture, our panel will delve into strategies for navigating the evolving cybersecurity landscape. Gain invaluable insights into asking the right questions and crafting an integrated security strategy tailored to the demands of this new tech-forward era.

  • Podcast

    Harnessing AI to Revolutionize Drug Discovery

    A conversation with Dave Hallett, Chief Science Officer and Interim CEO of Exscientia, and Tanuja Randery of AWS

    In this episode, Tanuja Randery of AWS sits down with Dave Hallett, Chief Science Officer and Interim CEO of Exscientia, to discuss how the company is leveraging AI and cloud technology to transform the drug discovery process. Hallett explains Exscientia's approach to improving efficiency and patient success rates, and explores the importance of partnerships and building diverse, high-performing teams in the rapidly evolving landscape of scientific innovation.

  • Podcast

    Working Backwards to Lead Digital Transformation at a 100-Year-Old Organization

    A conversation with Nobuo Asahi and Dr. Shoji Tanaka of Mitsubishi Electric

    In this episode, Nobuo Asahi and Dr. Shoji Tanaka of Mitsubishi Electric discuss their journey to drive digital transformation across the 100-year-old manufacturing conglomerate. They share how they have leveraged the Working Backwards methodology from Amazon to better understand customer needs and develop innovative new solutions, as well as the cultural challenges of shifting from a siloed, rule-driven organization to one that is more agile and data-driven. The conversation highlights the importance of patience, embracing new technologies, and fostering a mindset of experimentation to successfully lead large-scale organizational change.

  • Podcast

    Securing Generative AI: What Matters Now, Featuring IBM

    A conversation with Dimple Ahluwalia and Ryan Dougherty of IBM and Clarke Rodgers of AWS

    New research from IBM and AWS shows that 76% of generative AI projects aren't being secured. Join us for a conversation with Dimple Ahluwalia and Ryan Dougherty of IBM and Clarke Rodgers of AWS as we dig into the research findings to answer why 70% of executives say their organizations are prioritizing innovation over security. Listen in and learn what it takes to securely implement generative AI technologies.

  • Podcast

    Using AI to Reduce Energy Consumption of the Planet's Building Portfolio

    A conversation with Jean-Simon Venne, the CTO and co-founder of BrainBox AI

    In today's episode, hear from Jean-Simon Venne, the CTO and co-founder of BrainBox AI, a company using artificial intelligence to optimize energy efficiency and reduce emissions in commercial buildings. Venne discusses how BrainBox AI's technology leverages AI and machine learning to autonomously manage building systems, leading to energy savings of up to 40% and significant emissions reductions across their portfolio of over 13,000 deployed buildings. Listeners will learn how implementing a virtual assistant powered by AI and natural language processing can help building managers and portfolio owners quickly identify issues, diagnose root causes, and implement solutions without extensive manual effort.

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