Program Penyedia Layanan Terkelola AWS

Bangun dan hadirkan solusi bisnis end-to-end untuk mendorong transformasi cloud

Apa itu Program Penyedia Layanan Terkelola AWS?

Program Penyedia Layanan Terkelola (MSP) AWS memvalidasi Partner AWS dengan rekam jejak dan pengalaman yang telah terbukti, memberikan solusi AWS end-to-end kepada pelanggan pada setiap tahap perjalanan cloud, termasuk perencanaan dan rancangan, pembangunan dan migrasi, operasi dan dukungan, serta otomatisasi dan optimasi.

Untuk meraih penetapan MSP AWS, Anda perlu menyelesaikan audit independen yang ekstensif guna memastikan kesehatan bisnis dan kemampuan teknis Anda memenuhi standar tinggi.

Untuk panduan preskriptif tentang cara membangun praktik MSP AWS yang sukses dan mencapai penetapan program, unduh brosur. Jelajahi manfaatkisah sukses, dan cara memulai di bawah ini. 

Lencana penyedia layanan terkelola

Cara pelanggan memilih partner cloud


pelanggan menyoroti Spesialisasi AWS sebagai tiga kriteria teratas untuk pemilihan partner.


pelanggan meninjau sertifikasi vendor partner mereka setidaknya 2x setahun.


partner saat ini telah, atau sedang membangun secara aktif, IP khusus industri untuk memecahkan masalah pelanggan.

Terhubung dengan Partner Penyedia Layanan Terkelola AWS

Dorong inovasi, penuhi tujuan bisnis, dan dapatkan hasil maksimal dari berbagai layanan AWS Anda melalui kemitraan dengan Partner AWS yang tervalidasi secara teknis.

foto orang berjabat tangan

Kisah sukses

Showing results: 41-45
Total results: 47

tidak ada item yang ditemukan 

  • General Public Services

    North Carolina Department of Commerce & Capgemini

    The North Carolina Division of Employment Security engaged Capgemini to deploy a modernized technology solution that runs on AWS. During the COVID-19 pandemic, AWS and Capgemini collaborated to migrate the agency’s in-house call center agents to an Amazon Connect–based platform in a few weeks that, along with automation and self-service capabilities, helped cut down overall call volume by up to 20 percent.

  • Manufacturing

    RS Components & Tata Consultancy Services

    RS Components wanted to implement predictive maintenance for equipment under contract and reduce turnaround time for repairs to ensure their customers could perform at their best. RS Components, collaborating with Tata Consulting Services (TCS), built the RS Industria solution using IoT on AWS to help predict potential failures and enable it to fix the issue. Additionally, the solution alerts the RS Components maintenance team to failures, allowing them to respond quickly to reduce downtime. With the help of TCS and AWS, RS Components increased overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), reduced energy consumption, and improved plant operational efficiency.

  • Software & Internet

    Workrate & SoftwareOne

    Workrate boosts scalability and security on AWS with Managed Services Provider SoftwareOne.

  • Software & Internet

    Renova Cloud

    AWS Partner Renova Cloud helped Vietnamese dairy company Nutifood unlock new business opportunities on AWS. Nutifood was looking to gain hands-on experience and guidance on better utilizing the data its company collects. The company chose Renova Cloud, which set up a free full-day on-site Immersion Day experience to give the Nutifood IT team hand-on training, a chance to chat with AWS experts, and the opportunity to discover new services and possibilities offered by AWS.
  • Professional Services

    HCL Technologies

    HCL Technologies helped its customers enable better collaboration among global engineering teams by joining the AWS Managed Service Provider Program and developing 1PLMCloud on AWS.
1 10

AWS dan Versi 1: Satu Dekade Kolaborasi dan Perkembangan

Partner MSP khusus seperti Versi 1 membantu pelanggan memanfaatkan cloud sebagai keuntungan bisnis strategis yang memberikan lebih dari keuntungan teknis untuk menghasilkan hasil bisnis yang positif.
