Program Partner AWS Well-Architected

Adopsilah praktik terbaik AWS, kurangi risiko, dan bangun aplikasi yang tangguh.

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Program Partner AWS Well-Architected membantu organisasi membangun kebiasaan arsitektural yang baik, mengurangi risiko, dan merespons perubahan yang memengaruhi desain, aplikasi, serta beban kerja dengan lebih cepat. Partner AWS Well-Architected mendapatkan keahlian untuk membangun solusi berkualitas tinggi, mengimplementasikan praktik terbaik, memeriksa keadaan beban kerja, dan membuat peningkatan untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan bisnis dan pelanggan.

Baru di AWS Well-Architected? Pelajari cara AWS Well-Architected Framework membantu arsitek cloud membangun infrastruktur yang aman, berperforma tinggi, tangguh, dan efisien untuk aplikasi dan beban kerja mereka.

Jelajahi kisah keberhasilan dan cara memulai di bawah ini.

Bangun aplikasi yang tangguh dengan praktik terbaik AWS Well-Architected (1:19)

Perkaya hubungan pelanggan

Manfaatkan Peninjauan AWS Well-Architected Framework untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan masalah berisiko tinggi di beban kerja, yang memungkinkan Anda membangun kepercayaan pelanggan dan mendorong keterlibatan baru.

Terapkan praktik terbaik AWS

Lakukan penghematan waktu, kurangi biaya, dorong efisiensi, dan sediakan rencana peningkatan berbasis data kepada pelanggan untuk melacak dan meningkatkan kepatuhan beban kerja.

Tingkatkan visibilitas Anda

Memanfaatkan lencana Partner AWS dalam jaminan pemasaran dengan penunjukan Well-Architected untuk menonjolkan keahlian Anda kepada pelanggan, tim AWS, dan partner.

Ingin mengurangi risiko di beban kerja Anda?

Pelanggan Berbagi Pengalaman Mereka

Kisah Sukses Partner Program AWS Well-Architected

Showing results: 31-35
Total results: 120

tidak ada item yang ditemukan 

  • Construction & Real Estate

    LAMDA Development Builds Efficient Media Asset Library with LCM Go Cloud on AWS

    LAMDA Development S.A., a holding company specializing in the development, investment, and management of real estate properties, was documenting its work on a large urban development project with video recordings, but quickly found that the volume of videos became unmanageable. It solved that problem by building a central storage solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Centralizing the videos has improved security and version control and made it faster and easier to access the resources when needed. The project being documented–The Ellinikon–is Europe’s largest urban regeneration project.

  • Retail


    Marc O'Polo & Lemongrass

    Fashion Brand Marc O’Polo Unlocks Business Transformation with Lemongrass on AWS
  • Retail

    OBI & Arvato Systems

    Pan-European home-improvement retailer OBI, with headquarters in Germany, worked with AWS Partner Arvato Systems to help it containerize and migrate its highly-customized version of SAP Hybris to the cloud. With a modern and resilient cloud-based ecommerce infrastructure built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), OBI can now easily scale automatically to support peak season web traffic for its online store and allow multiple development teams to deliver new features concurrently. It also has a strong foundation for growth that supports the entire business.

  • Retail

    Sharaf Group & Zero&One

    Dubai-based Sharaf Group was founded in 1968 and has since expanded into multiple brands and businesses, employing more than 9,000 staff, and operating in 54 countries. Its IT infrastructure was a complicated mix of on-premises and cloud systems that were managed by separate third parties. The group’s retail division Sharaf Retail worked with AWS Partner Zero&One to transform its infrastructure by migrating all its servers, business applications, and databases to Amazon Web Services (AWS). This resulted in a 50 percent reduction in IT staff costs, 65 percent reduction in infrastructure costs, and slashed the go-to-market lead time for opening new stories by 75 percent.

  • Retail

    Burberry, Capgemini & EPAM

    Burberry is a luxury fashion brand founded in 1856. The company transformed its SAP systems with AWS and AWS Premier Consulting Partner Capgemini, reducing operational costs by 30 percent and increasing agility for maximum uptime during sales peaks. Separately, its digital team overhauled Burberry’s global ecommerce platform and rebuilt it on AWS. The new estate is a holistic, omnichannel customer experience that can be localized to best serve its customers’ needs in Europe, the Americas, and Asia.

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