What are the differences between Amazon RDS for MySQL and MariaDB?
MariaDB Server is a popular open source relational database created by the original developers of MySQL. MariaDB has some functionality that differs from Amazon RDS for MySQL. See the Amazon RDS User Guide for more details.
Which versions of MariaDB does Amazon RDS support?
Amazon RDS currently supports MariaDB major versions 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, and 10.11.
How does Amazon RDS distinguish between “major” and “minor” version releases?
In the context of MariaDB, version numbers are organized as follows:
MariaDB version = X.Y.Z
X = Major version, Y = Release level, Z = Version number within release series.
From the Amazon RDS standpoint, a version change would be considered major if either major version or release level is being changed. Example: going from 10.0.X -> 10.1.X.
A version change would be considered minor if the version number within the release is being changed. Example: going from 10.1.14 -> 10.1.17.
Does Amazon RDS provide guidelines for upgrading engine versions or deprecation of engine versions that are currently supported?
Yes. Please refer to the Amazon RDS FAQs.
What privileges are granted to the primary user for an RDS for MariaDB DB instance?
When you create a new DB instance, the default primary user that you use gets certain privileges. See Master User Account Privileges in the Amazon RDS User Guide for a list of the privileges.
How long is each major version of Amazon RDS for MariaDB supported?
See the Amazon RDS for MariaDB release calendar for end of support dates.
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments FAQs
What versions do Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments support?
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments are available in RDS for MariaDB versions 10.2 and higher. Learn more about available versions in the RDS for MariaDB documentation.
What Regions do Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments support?
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments are available in all applicable AWS Regions and the AWS GovCloud Regions.
When should I use Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments?
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments allow you to make safer, simpler, and faster database changes. Blue/Green Deployments are ideal for use cases such as major or minor version database engine upgrades, operating system updates, schema changes on green environments that do not break logical replication, like adding a new column at the end of a table, or database parameter setting changes. You can use Blue/Green Deployments to make multiple database updates at the same time using a single switchover. This allows you to stay current on security patches, improve database performance, and access newer database features with short, predictable downtime.
What is the cost of using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments?
You will incur the same price for running your workloads on green instances as you do for blue instances. The cost of running on blue and green instances include our current standard pricing for db.instances, cost of storage, cost of read/write I/Os, and any enabled features, such as cost of backups and Amazon RDS Performance Insights. Effectively, you are paying approximately 2x the cost of running workloads on db.instance for the lifespan of the blue-green-deployment.
For example: You have an RDS for MariaDB 10.2 database running on two r5.2xlarge db.instances, a primary database instance and a read replica, in us-east-1 AWS Region with a Multi-AZ (MAZ) configuration. Each of the r5.2xlarge db.instance is configured for 20 GiB General Purpose Amazon Elastic Block Storge (EBS). You create a clone of the blue instance topology using Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments, run it for 15 days (360 hours), and then delete the blue instances after a successful switchover. The blue instances cost $1,387 for 15 days at an on-demand rate of $1.926/hr (Instance + EBS cost). The total cost to you for using Blue/Green Deployments for those 15 days is $2,774, which is 2x the cost of running blue instances for that time period.
What kind of changes can I make with Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments?
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments allow you to make safer, simpler, and faster database changes, such as major or minor version upgrades, schema changes, instance scaling, engine parameter changes, and maintenance updates.
What is the “blue environment” in Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments? What is the “green environment”?
In Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments, the blue environment is your current production environment. The green environment is your staging environment that will become your new production environment after switchover.
How do switchovers work with Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments?
When Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments initiate a switchover, they block writes to both the blue and green environments, until switchover is complete. During switchover, the staging environment—or green environment—catches up with the blue environment, ensuring data is consistent between the blue and green environments. Once the blue and green environment are in complete sync, Blue/Green Deployments promote the green environment as the new blue environment by redirecting traffic to the green environment. Blue/Green Deployments are designed to enable writes on the green environment after switch-over is complete, ensuring zero data loss during the switchover process.
After the Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments switches over, what happens to my old production environment?
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments do not delete your old production environment. If needed, you can access it for additional validations and performance/regression testing. If you no longer need the old production environment, you can delete it. Standard billing charges apply on old production instances until you delete them.
What do Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments switchover guardrails check for?
Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments switchover guardrails block writes on your blue and green environments until your green environment catches up before switching over. Blue/Green Deployments also perform health checks of your primary and replicas in your blue and green environments. They also perform replication health checks, for example, to see if replication has stopped or if there are errors. They detect long running transactions between your blue and green environments. You can specify your maximum tolerable downtime, as low as 30 seconds, and if you have an ongoing transaction that exceeds this your switchover will time out.
Can I use Blue/Green Deployments when I have a blue environment as a subscriber/publisher for a self-managed logical replica?
If your blue environment is a self-managed logical replica, or subscriber, we will block switchover. We recommend that you first stop replication to the blue environment, proceed with the switchover, and then resume replication. In contrast, if your blue environment is a source for a self-managed logical replica, or publisher, you can continue to switchover. However, you will need to update the self-managed replica to replicate from the green environment post switchover.
Do Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments support Amazon RDS Proxy, cross-Region read replicas, or cascaded read replicas?
No, Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments do not support Amazon RDS Proxy, cross-Region read replicas, or cascaded read replicas.
Can I use Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments to rollback changes?
No, at this time you cannot use Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments to rollback changes.
Amazon RDS Optimized Writes FAQs
How does Amazon RDS Optimized Writes write data files differently than MariaDB?
MariaDB protects users from data loss by writing data in 16KiB pages in memory twice to durable storage—first to the “doublewrite buffer” and then to table storage. Amazon RDS Optimized Writes write your 16KiB data pages directly to your data files reliably and durably in one step using the Torn Write Prevention feature of the AWS Nitro System.
Which RDS for MariaDB database versions support Amazon RDS Optimized Writes?
Amazon RDS Optimized Writes are available for MariaDB versions 10.6.10 and higher.
Which database instance types support Amazon RDS Optimized Writes? In what Regions are they available?
Amazon RDS Optimized Writes are available in db.r6i, db.r6g, db.r5b, db.x2iedn and db.x2idn database instances. They are available in the US East (N. Virginia, Ohio) US West (N. California, Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (London, Ireland, Paris, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Milan), South America (Sao Paulo), Asia Pacific (Seoul, Mumbai, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore), and AWS GovCloud (US-East, US-West) AWS Regions.
When should I use Amazon RDS Optimized Writes?
All Amazon RDS for MariaDB users should implement Amazon RDS Optimized Writes for up to 2x improved write transaction throughput. Applications with write-heavy workloads, such as digital payments, financial trading, and online gaming applications will find this feature especially helpful.
Can customers convert their existing Amazon RDS databases to use Amazon RDS Optimized Writes?
At this time, this initial release does not support enabling Amazon RDS Optimized Writes for your existing database instances even if the instance class supports Optimized Writes.
How much are Amazon RDS Optimized Writes?
Amazon RDS Optimized Writes are available to RDS for MariaDB customers at no additional cost.
Amazon RDS Optimized Reads FAQs
How does Amazon RDS Optimized Reads speed up query performance?
Workloads that use temporary objects in MariaDB for query processing benefit from Amazon RDS Optimized Reads. Optimized Reads place temporary objects on the database instance's NVMe-based instance storage, instead of the Amazon Elastic Block Store volume. This helps to speed up complex query processing by up to 2X.
Which RDS for MariaDB database versions support Amazon RDS Optimized Reads?
Amazon RDS Optimized Reads are available for RDS for MariaDB on 10.4.25, 10.5.16, 10.6.7 and higher.
Which database instance types support Amazon RDS Optimized Reads? In what Regions is it available?
Amazon RDS Optimized Reads are available in all Regions where db.r5d, db.m5d, db.r6gd, db.m6gd, X2idn, and X2iedn instances are available. For more information, see the Amazon RDS DB instance classes documentation.
When should I use Amazon RDS Optimized Reads?
Customers should use Amazon RDS Optimized Reads when they have workloads that require complex queries; general purpose analytics; or require intricate groups, sorts, hash aggregations, high-load joins, and Common Table Expressions (CTEs). These use cases result in the creation of temporary tables, allowing Optimized Reads to speed up your workload’s query processing.
Can customers convert their existing Amazon RDS databases to use Amazon RDS Optimized Reads?
Yes, customers can convert their existing Amazon RDS database to use Amazon RDS Optimized Reads by moving your workload to an Optimized Read-enabled instance. Optimized Reads is also available by default on all supported instance classes. If you’re running your workload on db.r5d, db.m5d, db.r6gd, db.m6gd, X2idn, and X2iedn instances, you’re already benefiting from Optimized Reads.

Amazon RDS is free to try. Pay only for what you use. There is no minimum fee.