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64-72 (1691)
Showing results: 64-72
Total results: 1691
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Tidak ditemukan solusi yang sesuai dengan kriteria tersebut.
  • Amazon VPC Lattice Automated DNS Configuration on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates an automated approach for creating the DNS resolution required when creating Amazon VPC Lattice services with custom domain names in multi-account environments. 

  • Okta Phone-Based Multi-Factor Authentication on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to implement a secure and scalable one-time passcode (OTP) delivery solution by using AWS with Okta’s identity platform.
  • Penyediaan Otomatis Klaster Amazon EKS yang Siap Aplikasi

    Panduan ini menunjukkan cara mengatur akselerator beban kerja untuk Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) menggunakan cetak biru Terraform.
  • Hyperpersonalized Marketing with Amazon Personalize and Amazon Bedrock

    This Guidance shows how to implement a comprehensive travel and hospitality (T&H) customer engagement system to enhance your marketing strategy.
  • Improving High Performance Computing Resiliency on AWS

    This Guidance shows how to improve the resiliency and reduce the costs of long-running high performance computing (HPC) and electronic design automation (EDA) jobs through checkpoint and restore capabilities.
  • Disaster Recovery with VMware on AWS

    This Guidance illustrates a disaster recovery approach for using VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VCDR) on AWS.
  • Continuous Data Migration from Apache Cassandra to Amazon Keyspaces

    This Guidance demonstrates how to implement dual-write capabilities from Apache Cassandra to Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra with minimal downtime during the data migration.
  • SAP Generative AI Assistant on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to improve business user productivity and the user experience by leveraging real-time data summaries, task automation, and seamless natural language interactions. It showcases the integration of Amazon Bedrock for generative AI and Amazon Lex for conversational AI assistant capabilities. The Guidance is designed to be extensible, allowing you to seamlessly extend both SAP S/4HANA native and RISE with SAP capabilities with other AWS services, enabling a more comprehensive and tailored solution for your business needs.
  • Retail Analytics using Generative AI

    This Guidance shows how to use large language models (LLMs) to generate SQL queries and perform data analytics, enhancing the value of your data.
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