Pustaka Solusi AWS

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Temukan Solusi dari AWS dan Partner AWS

Organisasi saat ini sedang mencari solusi yang teruji dan panduan arsitektur untuk memecahkan tantangan bisnis dengan cepat. Baik pelanggan lebih memilih deployment siap pakai, atau arsitektur yang dapat disesuaikan, Pustaka Solusi AWS membawa solusi yang dibangun oleh AWS dan Partner AWS untuk berbagai kasus penggunaan industri dan teknologi.

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73-81 (1691)
Showing results: 73-81
Total results: 1691
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Tidak ditemukan solusi yang sesuai dengan kriteria tersebut.
  • Retail Analytics using Generative AI

    This Guidance shows how to use large language models (LLMs) to generate SQL queries and perform data analytics, enhancing the value of your data.
  • Building Travel Assistants Using Amazon Bedrock Agents

    This Guidance demonstrates how organizations in the travel and hospitality (T&H) industry can build an intelligent virtual assistant that uses generative AI to streamline every aspect of travel planning.
  • Data Federation between SAP and AWS

    This Guidance outlines the process of federating data between SAP and AWS cloud analytics services, enabling you to establish a data mesh architecture. SAP provides enterprise software for running business processes, from enterprise resource planning to customer relationship management. By connecting SAP with AWS, you can easily transform and visualize your data in a scalable, secure, and cost-effective way, helping you inform your decision-making.
  • Asisten AI dengan Amazon Q Business

    Panduan ini menunjukkan bagaimana korporasi dapat membuka nilai data mereka melalui kemampuan AI generatif yang mutakhir dari Amazon Q Business.
  • Developing Apple iOS and Vision Pro Applications with Unity on Amazon EC2

    This Guidance demonstrates how developers can build applications on mobile iOS and Apple Vision Pro in the AWS Cloud using Unity—a widely-used game engine and development platform where developers can create immersive 2D and 3D interactive experiences.

  • Media Provenance with C2PA on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to run the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) standard for tracking provenance with media workloads on AWS.
  • Modernizing Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to build and modernize your electric vehicle (EV) charging station using AWS IoT Core.
  • Automating Networking Monitoring and Alerting on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to automate the setup of Amazon CloudWatch dashboards for monitoring and alerting network resources on AWS.
  • Industrial Data Fabric with Snowflake and HighByte on AWS

    The Guidance demonstrates how to create an enterprise-governed model in HighByte, ingest real-time, historical, and transactional data at scale from edge and cloud data sources into Snowflake, and interface with applications using REST APIs.

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