Resources for software companies

Everything you need to innovate, scale, and grow your business on AWS Cloud.


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64-72 (137)
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  • Business


    Potenzia il tuo viaggio verso il modello SaaS con AWS

    Dal momento che le aziende di oggi cercano maggiore flessibilità e riduzione dei costi di gestione e manutenzione IT, la domanda di modelli di distribuzione delle applicazioni Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) continua a crescere.

  • Business


    Unterstützung Ihrer Umstellung auf SaaS mit AWS

    Da sich die Unternehmen heutzutage mehr Flexibilität und eine Verringerung der Kosten für die IT-Verwaltung und -Wartung wünschen, wächst die Nachfrage nach Bereitstellungsmodellen für SaaS-Anwendungen stetig.

  • Business


    Per gli ISV è arrivato il momento di modernizzare

    Per restare competitivi e soddisfare le aspettative dei clienti per soluzioni software più innovative e convenienti, come i prodotti Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), i fornitori di software indipendenti (ISV) devono disporre di una piattaforma flessibile e reattiva per la creazione e l'esecuzione di app.

  • Business


    Ha llegado el momento de que se modernicen los ISV

    Para seguir siendo competitivos y satisfacer las expectativas de los clientes de soluciones de software más innovadoras y prácticas, como productos de software como servicio (SaaS), los proveedores de software independientes (ISV) deben contar con una plataforma flexible y dinámica para crear y ejecutar aplicaciones.

  • Business


    How software vendors can secure a stronger future in the cloud

    In today’s highly competitive and fast-changing marketplace, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) need to continually modernize to meet evolving customer demands, stay competitive and safeguard ongoing profitability.

  • Business


    Für ISVs ist es jetzt an der Zeit, zu modernisieren

    Um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben und die Erwartungen der Kunden nach innovativeren und komfortableren Softwarelösungen wie z. B. SaaS-Produkten (Software-as-a-Service) zu erfüllen, müssen unabhängige Softwareanbieter (ISVs) über eine flexible und reaktionsfähige Plattform für die Entwicklung und Ausführung von Apps verfügen.

  • Business


    Impulse su viaje a SaaS con AWS

    Las empresas actuales desean disfrutar de mayor flexibilidad y reducir los costes de administración y mantenimiento de TI, por lo que la demanda de modelos de entrega de aplicaciones de software como servicio (SaaS) sigue creciendo.

  • Business


    Webinar: Expand your software business and establish your digital presence in China


    Many companies are interested in expanding their software business to the vast Chinese market as well as establishing their digital presence in China.
    AWS, AppInChina, China Britain Business Council (CBBC) and Linklaters teamed up to provide companies with a hands-on practical virtual workshop on how software business can successfully grow in China and establish their digital presence.

  • Technical


    TechShift: Revolutionizing the software delivery workflow


    As a software business, your development team is at the heart of your organization. Ensuring the team is working at their best is paramount. In this session join Amazon Web Services and software business ePilot to learn how to improve the development of modern software.

1 16

Glossary of SaaS terms

If you’re new to the cloud or in a non-technical role, we have answers to commonly asked questions when you pivot your business to a SaaS model.

What you need to know about security and privacy

Explore how AWS can help you address industry-specific regulations—as well as data security and privacy requirements—with accompanying resources.