AWS per organizzazioni no profit

Promozione dell'impatto e dell'innovazione della missione con la tecnologia cloud

Registrati subito: 26 marzo 2025 | Conferenza AWS Imagine for Nonprofit | Scopri come l'applicazione mirata della tecnologia favorisce l'impatto sociale e ambientale

Ulteriori informazioni su AWS per le organizzazioni non profit a re:Invent 2024 | Registrati subito

Le organizzazioni non profit utilizzano il cloud AWS per risolvere le sfide più urgenti di tutto il mondo

Le organizzazioni non profit di ogni tipo e dimensione utilizzano Amazon Web Services (AWS) per aumentare il supporto, espandere la consapevolezza e far progredire l'impatto della propria missione a livello locale e globale. AWS si impegna per un mondo in cui tutti gli esseri umani hanno l'opportunità di vivere una vita dignitosa su un pianeta sano. Che tu stia lavorando per generare informazioni su donatori, membri o volontari attraverso database e analisi gestite, che tu stia cercando di accelerare la ricerca grazie al machine learning e all'IA, che tu stia ottimizzando l'erogazione dei programmi attraverso siti web e applicazioni scalabili o che tu abbia appena iniziato, AWS è qui per aiutarti.

Esplora soluzioni e partner no profit

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Settimana dell'IA generativa per il settore no profit di AWS

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AWS Imagine for Nonprofits

AWS Imagine for Nonprofits

Unisciti ad AWS Imagine for Nonprofits il 26 marzo 2025, dove leader e innovatori tecnologici motivati da una missione si incontrano per accelerare l'impatto sociale. Scopri come il cloud computing e l'intelligenza artificiale possono amplificare la missione della tua organizzazione non profit di promuovere cambiamenti positivi e ispirare azioni a beneficio delle comunità di tutto il mondo.

Sovvenzioni e programmi

Nozioni di base

Le principali organizzazioni non profit utilizzano già AWS. Contatta i nostri esperti e comincia subito il tuo percorso verso il cloud AWS.

AWS per organizzazioni no profit


AWS realizza eventi, sia online che fisici, per radunare la community del cloud computing e stabilire relazioni, collaborare e apprendere informazioni dagli esperti di AWS.
Showing results: 21-24
Total results: 194
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  • Webinars

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    Biomedical research in the cloud with the NIH STRIDES initiative

    Speaker(s): Dr. Susan Gregurick, Dr. Ankit Malhotra, and Dr. Joel Lipkin

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability (STRIDES) Initiative aims to modernize the biomedical research ecosystem by fostering innovation in biomedical research using technological advancements in the cloud. Join this session where we will have three separate presentations from representatives from the NIH, AWS, and Four Points Technology, LLC.

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  • Webinars

    On Demand

    Natural language understanding in Alexa

    Speaker(s): Alan Packer, Director, Alexa Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Interpretations, Amazon

    It has taken decades for scientists to understand natural human speech. Today, voice-activated, artificial intelligence interfaces such as Alexa, the natural language processing system by Amazon, can interact with humans at various levels. Join this webinar to learn more about the internals of the data flow within Alexa in response to a spoken command, how our natural language understanding stack works, and our investments in deep learning, automated model updates, and privacy-preserving machine learning (ML).

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  • Webinars

    On Demand

    A simplified approach to data-driven research collaboration

    Speaker(s): Dr. Ian Foster, Director, Argonne Data Science, and Learning Division, Argonne National Lab, and Professor at the University of Chicago

    With artificial intelligence and machine learning on the rise, high performance computing (HPC) systems proliferating, and research teams more distributed than ever, reliable research data management is now more important than ever. We tend to take these functions for granted, and yet modern collaborative research would not be possible without them. When scientists can move and share data quickly, easily, and securely, they accelerate the pace of research and innovation. Globus has spent the past nine years developing a research data management service with over 100,000 users at thousands of organizations worldwide. Tune in to learn about what makes Globus unique, support for various compliance requirements, and common use cases, such as data migration from scientific instruments and cloud storage like Amazon S3.

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  • Webinars

    On Demand

    NIH's strategic vision for data science: Enabling a FAIR-data ecosystem

    Speaker(s): Dr. Susan Gregurick, Director, Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences at NIH’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

    Biomedical Researchers today are faced with a growing number of quantitative and qualitative methods that generate data from experiments, computational and observational studies, clinical studies and data gathered from individuals and from communities. The generation of this data is highly distributed, including individual scientists, research groups, patients and large cohort studies, and large-scale initiatives. In parallel to the rise in data generation and data use in research, computational sciences are also undergoing a metamorphosis. From new methods and tools to analyze and understand data (machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and virtual-reality technologies) to new platforms, that embrace heterogeneous computing (e.g. SUMMIT) or quantum information, the landscape of data-information-computing creates a need for a strategic vision in biomedical data science. Our aim is to provide for a connected data ecosystem that embraces the concept that data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reproducible. This seminar will engage participants to think about new ways in which we can extend our data science capabilities.

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Testimonianze dei clienti no profit

Scopri come le organizzazioni no profit sfruttano il cloud AWS per rivoluzionare la loro missione e il loro impatto
