Programma AWS Managed Service Provider

Sviluppa e distribuisci soluzioni aziendali complete per favorire la trasformazione verso il cloud

Cos'è il programma AWS Fornitore di servizi gestiti?

Il programma AWS Fornitore di servizi gestiti (MSP) convalida i partner AWS con un curriculum e un'esperienza comprovati, fornendo soluzioni AWS complete ai clienti in qualsiasi fase del percorso verso il cloud, tra cui pianificazione e progettazione, costruzione e migrazione, operazioni e supporto, nonché automazione e ottimizzazione.

Per ottenere la designazione AWS MSP, è necessario completare una vasta verifica indipendente per garantire che la propria condizione aziendale e le competenze tecniche raggiungano un livello elevato.

Per una guida prescrittiva su come costruire una pratica di successo AWS MSP e ottenere la designazione del programma, scarica la brochure. Scopri i vantaggi, le storie di successo e come iniziare di seguito. 

Badge del fornitore di servizi gestiti

In che modo i clienti selezionano i partner cloud


dei clienti indica le specializzazioni AWS come i tre criteri principali per la selezione dei partner.

Il 0%

dei clienti rivede le certificazioni dei fornitori dei propri partner almeno 2 volte all'anno.


dei partner attualmente dispongono o stanno sviluppando una proprietà intellettuale specifica del settore per risolvere i problemi dei clienti.

Entra in contatto con i partner AWS fornitore di servizi gestiti

Promuovi l'innovazione, raggiungi gli obiettivi aziendali e ottieni il massimo dai tuoi servizi AWS collaborando con partner AWS approvati tecnicamente.

foto di persone che si stringono la mano

Storie di successo

Showing results: 26-30
Total results: 47

nessun elemento trovato 

  • Software & Internet &TransACT, a technology provider of occupancy systems, sensors, and software for smart buildings, engaged AWS Partner transACT Technology Solutions to conduct an AWS Well-Architected Review that has ultimately delivered time-savings, cost reductions, and performance improvements. Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), transACT has deployed its own cloud management tool to deliver a range of benefits for and build a cloud platform to support future growth.

  • Financial Services

    Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company & Zero&One

    Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company (BKIC) diversified its sales channels to offer embedded insurance to its partners using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Its existing API product was inefficient and slow, so BKIC worked with AWS Partner Zero&One to build a middleware layer to manage its APIs, resulting in a 66 percent increase in speed and 98 percent reduction in API size. Using API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and AWS Control Tower, BKIC cut costs and improved the performance and efficiency of its embedded insurance platform.

  • Financial Services

    Helvetia & Accenture

    AWS Partner Accenture helped Swiss-based Helvetia Insurance develop a cloud migration strategy for part of its applications’ landscape to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Helvetia provides all forms of insurance in Europe, and specialized insurance and reinsurance services worldwide. With 72 percent of its applications now migrated to the cloud, it is on target to close its data centers by the end of 2023. Using AWS services including Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS, the company has cut its carbon emissions by 70 percent and is able to instantly spin up new testing environments, allowing it to focus on innovation.

  • Software & Internet

    Climate X & DoiT

    Before it could launch its Spectra platform to help organizations assess location-specific climate risks, Climate X needed to update its cloud architecture to support the data-intensive needs of the large and growing number of customers the company expected. Amazon Web Services (AWS) recommended that it work with AWS Partner DoiT International, which conducted an AWS Well-Architected review of the company’s infrastructure and worked with Climate X to rebuild for greater availability and scalability. Today, Climate X has an architecture that can support its growth ambitions while also reducing its cloud costs by 17 percent.

  • Financial Services

    Clowd9 & Bytes

    CLOWD9 is transforming banking transactions, such as issuer processing, by building cloud-native services that offer improved latency, reliability, security, and instant scalability to legacy-bound financial institutions. The company was already building on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to offer services to its customers, but needed help from AWS Partner Bytes to provide the instant, global support that customers require wherever they are in the world.

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AWS e la Versione 1: un decennio di collaborazione e crescita

I partner MSP specializzati come quelli della versione 1 aiutano i clienti a sfruttare il cloud come vantaggio aziendale strategico che va oltre i vantaggi tecnici per generare risultati aziendali positivi.

Nozioni di base