Testimonianze dei clienti/Software e Internet/Americhe

Logo di Autodesk

Immaginare il futuro con la progettazione generativa e la potenza di AWS

AWS ha permesso ad Autodesk di dimensionare la progettazione generativa per eseguire centinaia di simulazioni in un'ora anziché in diverse ore o persino giorni. Autodesk sviluppa software per vari settori, tra cui ingegneria, progettazione e intrattenimento. Grazie a servizi come Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) e Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Autodesk può concentrarsi sullo sviluppo di strumenti di machine learning invece di doversi preoccupare della gestione dell'infrastruttura. Brian Mathews, vicepresidente di platform engineering presso Autodesk, è intervenuto sul palco di AWS re:Invent 2017.

Servizi AWS utilizzati

Amazon Relational Database Service

Configura, utilizza e ridimensiona un database relazionale nel cloud in pochi clic

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Amazon S3

Archiviazione di oggetti costruita per recuperare qualsiasi quantità di dati da qualsiasi luogo

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Altre storie di clienti Autodesk

Showing results: 9-12
Total results: 14

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  • United States

    Autodesk Uses AWS to Develop Models for Routing Support Cases between Customer and Product Support Teams

    Software provider Autodesk used Amazon SageMaker and other AWS services to infuse ML models into its customer support system, automating routing to efficiently direct customers to solutions.
  • Americas

    Autodesk WorkSpaces Case Study

    Using AWS, Autodesk is able to set up and deploy 450 workstations at its Autodesk University events, saving nearly a week's worth of time and thousands of dollars. Autodesk develops software for the engineering, design, and entertainment industries.
  • Asia Pacific

    Autodesk Reduces Big Data Processing Cost by 90% using AWS

    Autodesk is a leading software provider in 3D design for architecture, engineering, manufacturing, media, and entertainment industries. The Autodesk Data Platform (ADP) collects and processes product usage data, providing Autodesk's operating teams with a product analytics platform. By migrating from a Spark-based processing system to AWS Lambda, Autodesk saves up to 90 percent in data processing costs annually. Today, Autodesk is able to process data in near real-time, providing timely analytics for business users to leverage for product improvements and other business opportunities.
  • Americas

    Autodesk Case Study

    Using AWS, Autodesk can scale the use of generative design to run hundreds of simulations in one hour instead of several hours or days. Autodesk develops software for the engineering, design, and entertainment industries.
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