Slobodan Stojanović

AWS Serverless Hero

 Slobodan Stojanović, CTO at Cloud Horizon

 Belgrade, Serbia

 Hero since 2018

Slobodan Stojanović is CTO of Cloud Horizon, a software development studio based in Montreal, Canada. He is based in Belgrade, Serbia and is the JS Belgrade meetup co-organizer.

He loves serverless and has used it from the early days for products and client projects. He often shares his experience with serverless on the Effortless Serverless website and talks about it at conferences.

Slobodan is a Claudia.js core team member and is involved with other serverless-related open-source projects, such as Claudia Bot Builder, Scotty.js and He also wrote a book called "Serverless Applications with Node.js (Using AWS Lambda and Claudia.js)" with Aleksandar Simović for Manning Publications. See Slobodan's Desole app in the AWS Serverless Application Repository

Learn More About Slobodan

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Cloud Horizon
technical content
Serverless Applications with Node.js
technical content
Effortless Serverless

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The AWS Heroes program recognizes a vibrant, worldwide group of AWS experts whose enthusiasm for knowledge-sharing has had a real impact within the community. Heroes go above and beyond to share AWS knowledge via social media, blog posts, videos, open source projects, events, user groups, and more.