AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダプログラム


AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダープログラムとは?

AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダー (MSP) プログラムは、実績と経験を持つ AWS パートナーを検証し、計画と設計、構築と移行、オペレーションとサポート、オートメーションと最適化を含む、クラウドジャーニーのあらゆる段階でエンドツーエンドの AWS ソリューションをお客様に提供します。

AWS MSP の指定を達成するには、ビジネスの健全性と技術的能力が高い基準を満たしていることを確認するために、広範な独立監査を完了する必要があります。

成功する AWS MSP プラクティスを構築し、プログラムの指定を達成する方法についての規定ガイダンスについては、パンフレットをダウンロードしてください。 利点成功事例、および開始方法については、以下をご覧ください。 




パートナー選択の基準の上位 3 つに AWS スペシャライゼーションを挙げている顧客の比率。


パートナーのベンダー認定を年に 2 回以上レビューしている顧客の比率。



AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダーパートナーとつながる

技術的に検証された AWS パートナーと提携して、イノベーションを促進し、ビジネス目標を達成し、AWS のサービスを最大限に活用しましょう。



Showing results: 31-35
Total results: 47


  • Software & Internet

    Version 1

    Version 1 is a leading AWS Partner across the UK and Ireland and specializes in the migration, optimization, and running of complex enterprise workloads on AWS. Version 1 has a rich history of delivering successful technology solutions and was named 2022 AWS Migration Partner of the Year – EMEA.

  • Manufacturing

    Klöckner Pentaplast & Syntax

    Syntax’s Synsights platform powered by AWS enables integration of IoT data with manufacturing execution systems and enterprise resource planning systems like SAP. Syntax Synsights has greatly benefited Klöckner Pentaplast by offering a tailored, fully managed Industrial IoT SaaS platform that seamlessly integrates with its existing processes and scales globally.

  • Social Services

    Javelo & A1Cloud Technologies

    Javelo, a Tellent owned company, migrated to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and cut its infrastructure maintenance and support costs by 98 percent. The company was faced with strong growth and a looming international launch—and a need to innovate. It also needed to scale easily and build in strong security measures on a flexible infrastructure. Javelo worked with AWS Partner A1 Cloud Technologies to achieve its goals. Since migrating to AWS, it has seen a 200 percent increase in web traffic over 2 years and cut platform response times by 50 percent. Using AWS System Manager and AWS KMS they can easily comply with data regulations and focus on product innovation.

  • Healthcare

    Exom Group & Storm Reply

    Exom, a digital-first contract research organization (CRO), worked with AWS Partner Storm Reply to build a reliable and compliant chatbot using artificial intelligence (AI) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The solution guides remote participants using smartphones through a verbal informed consent process for retrospective clinical trials. Using Exom’s Genius platform, hospitals and pharma and biotech customers can bypass the need for in-person informed consent through chatbots enabled by Amazon Lex and integrated with Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) to allow consent to be easily given through email and text, and boost participation rates in clinical trials.

  • Media & Enterteintment

    Informa Group & LTIMindtree

    Leading events, digital services, and academic knowledge group Informa relies on SAP to run business-critical operations. Faced with inefficiencies in its previous on-premises setup, the company decided to migrate its SAP platform to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Working with AWS Partner LTIMindtree and using AWS ProServe, Informa successfully migrated these essential workloads to the cloud in a tight timeframe and with minimal disruption to users. Using AWS, Informa has transformed its operations, gained the ability to derive deeper insights from its data, and prepared itself for an innovative future.

1 10

AWS と Version 1: 10 年のコラボレーションと成長

Version 1 のような専門の MSP パートナーは、お客様がクラウドをビジネス上戦略的に優位な立場に立つ土台として活用できるよう支援します。これは技術的な利点にとどまらず、ビジネスにプラスの成果をもたらします。
