AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダプログラム


AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダープログラムとは?

AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダー (MSP) プログラムは、実績と経験を持つ AWS パートナーを検証し、計画と設計、構築と移行、オペレーションとサポート、オートメーションと最適化を含む、クラウドジャーニーのあらゆる段階でエンドツーエンドの AWS ソリューションをお客様に提供します。

AWS MSP の指定を達成するには、ビジネスの健全性と技術的能力が高い基準を満たしていることを確認するために、広範な独立監査を完了する必要があります。

成功する AWS MSP プラクティスを構築し、プログラムの指定を達成する方法についての規定ガイダンスについては、パンフレットをダウンロードしてください。 利点成功事例、および開始方法については、以下をご覧ください。 




パートナー選択の基準の上位 3 つに AWS スペシャライゼーションを挙げている顧客の比率。


パートナーのベンダー認定を年に 2 回以上レビューしている顧客の比率。



AWS マネージドサービスプロバイダーパートナーとつながる

技術的に検証された AWS パートナーと提携して、イノベーションを促進し、ビジネス目標を達成し、AWS のサービスを最大限に活用しましょう。



Showing results: 36-40
Total results: 47


  • Financial Services

    St. James's Place & Reply

    St. James’s Place developed an AI/ML-based product to support its adviser community and needed to know the product's ML core was compliant with AWS best practices and ready to scale to thousands of users. Data Reply assessed the solution using its MLOps capabilities and provided support and guidance for the operationalization of 11 ML models.

  • Software & Internet

    TinkerList & Cloudar

    TinkerList provides an online collaborative script and rundown tool called Cuez for broadcasters, live event organizers, and esports companies. Users require high availability and low latency, but the company found that maintaining its existing infrastructure to such a high standard was proving difficult. TinkerList turned to AWS and AWS Premier Partner Cloudar to migrate to the cloud for improved performance, reliability, and faster development time. Now it no longer needs to provision systems for peak capacity but can scale automatically as demand changes. Compute costs are now tied to usage, so expenditure is more predictable and linked to revenue.

  • Manufactoring

    WeEn Semiconductors & Atos

    WeEn Semiconductors, based in Shanghai, China, has a history of developing and manufacturing semiconductors that goes back over 50 years. The company separated from NXP Semiconductors in 2015 but continued to develop a full portfolio of products. WeEn Semiconductors was running its business-critical SAP and order management systems from an on-premises data center, but the facility was experiencing regular power outages that caused both its internal staff and its partners problems when using essential systems. The company worked with Atos, an AWS Premier Consulting Partner to migrate and deploy all business-critical applications, including SAP, to the cloud. The migration to AWS has eliminated downtime, improved security, and enhanced the company’s backup and disaster recovery systems. It also reduced infrastructure costs by 30 percent.

  • Manufactoring

    Whisker & Onica

    The product development team at Whisker, the inventor of the WiFi-enabled Litter-Robot, was scaling quickly. The company needed a serverless solution to manage its connected devices and their events. Whisker also wanted a faster time to market and lower server operating overhead for its new Litter-Robot 4 product. After onboarding AWS Partner Onica and leveraging AWS, Whisker was able to process several million messages and events from its connected robots per day. Whisker now delivers some of the richest insights available in pet tech while scaling responsibly and accelerating prototype time.

  • Media & Entertainment

    1. FC Köln & T-Systems

    1. FC Köln has a growing fanbase and a website that experiences spikes in user demand for its content. To ensure its audience could enjoy fast and reliable online content, 1. FC Köln needed to update its website infrastructure to increase scalability and to modernize its legacy application landscape. It chose to use AWS and AWS Partner T-Systems to develop a website relaunch that provides scalability, reduces response times, and lays the groundwork for current and future application modernization, all while lowering infrastructure costs.

1 10

AWS と Version 1: 10 年のコラボレーションと成長

Version 1 のような専門の MSP パートナーは、お客様がクラウドをビジネス上戦略的に優位な立場に立つ土台として活用できるよう支援します。これは技術的な利点にとどまらず、ビジネスにプラスの成果をもたらします。
