
2023 年
Mastercard のロゴ

Mastercard が AWS の AI および ML サービスを利用して不正行為を検出および防止

この動画では、Mastercard が Amazon Web Services (AWS) の AI と機械学習 (ML) サービスを利用して、不正検出機能をグローバルに改善する方法について、Mastercard の Cyber & Intelligence、Chief Technology Officer (CTO) である Manu Thapar 氏が説明します。このソリューションにより、Mastercard での不正取引の検出が 3 倍になり、誤検出が 10 分の 1 に削減されました。これにより、加盟店の数十億 USD のコスト削減を実現し、優れたエクスペリエンスを世界中の顧客に提供できるようになりました。



Manu Thapar 氏
Mastercard、Cyber & Intelligence、CTO


Showing results: 33-36
Total results: 116


  • Asia Pacific

    Karza Technologies Safely Onboards Financial Customers at Lower Cost with AWS

    Karza Technologies is building a digital due-diligence platform for screening counterparties using more than 700 publicly available government information sources.
  • Americas

    Coinbase Uses AWS Step Functions to Securely Deploy to AWS in Seconds

    Coinbase built a reusable framework for automated deployment pipelines that enables rapidly building new deployers that can securely release code to AWS without slowing engineers. Coinbase is a digital currency wallet and platform with 30 million worldwide customers and trades totaling $220 billion. Coinbases new deployers use a framework based on AWS Lambda, for execution in response to events, and AWS Step Functions, for coordinating multiple AWS services into serverless workflows.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa

    WesBank Uses AWS to Deliver a Smooth Customer Experience

    WesBank provides frictionless customer experience, improves integration and increases collaboration by using AWS. Based in South Africa, the company provides vehicle and asset finance solutions to thousands of customers. WesBank runs its development and production environments on AWS, creating and delivering cloud-based loan preapproval applications.
  • Austria

    AWS Case Study: Raiffeisen Bank International

    The Austrian banking group Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) operates 13 subsidiary banks in Central and Eastern Europe and serves 16.3 million customers through more than 2,100 business outlets. Group Digital Solutions at RBI adopted a cloud-first approach and runs the enabling platform for its latest digital banking solutions on AWS.
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あらゆる業界のさまざまな規模の組織が AWS を活用してビジネスを変革し、日々ミッションを遂行しています。当社のエキスパートにお問い合わせいただき、今すぐ AWS ジャーニーを開始しましょう。