お客様事例 / ゲーム / 北米

2021 年
Riot Games のロゴ

Riot Games が AWS を利用してゲームを改善

この動画では、Riot Games の Head of Infrastructure である Zach Blitz 氏が、可能な限り最高のゲームエクスペリエンスをプレイヤーに提供するために Amazon Web Services (AWS) を利用することについて語ります。Riot Games は、世界でも最高レベルの人気を誇る PC ゲームである League of Legends を含む、世界でも極めてプレイヤー重視のゲームを開発、公開、サポートしています。チームベースのタクティカルシューターゲームである Valorant の 2020 年の世界的なリリースに伴い、Riot はレイテンシーによって引き起こされる「飛び出し有利 (ピーカーズアドバンテージ)」を減らして、競争力の完全性を確保したいと考えていました。AWS Outposts を利用することで、Riot はゲームサーバーを迅速にデプロイし、レイテンシーを 10〜20 ミリ秒低減できました。これにより、飛び出し有利 (ピーカーズアドバンテージ) を最小限に抑え、すべてのプレイヤーに公平な競争の場を提供することができました。


Showing results: 33-36
Total results: 44


  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    Gameloft Improves Experience for Hundreds of Millions of Gamers with AWS

    Mobile gaming company Gameloft was founded in France in 2000 and now employs 4,600 people across 19 studios worldwide. Its 190-game portfolio includes the critically acclaimed Asphalt racing series and Despicable Me: Minion Rush, which has been downloaded more than 100 million times. Most of Gameloft’s titles run online, which requires a sizable infrastructure. Gameloft was continually adding physical servers and data centers to support hundreds of millions of players a month. The goal was to have as little downtime as possible and to handle traffic spikes of up to 50X the normal load during game launches. However, costs soon became unmanageable, and teams were spending too much time on routine maintenance rather than developing great gaming experiences. In this video, Gilles Chervy, head of infrastructure at Gameloft, explains how the company moved its gaming servers to Amazon Web Services (AWS), improving the player experience, simplifying management, optimizing costs, and reducing time to market for new games.
  • Europe, Middle East, & Africa

    How Supercell Runs Giant Games with Tiny Teams on AWS

    Supercell is a mobile games company founded in 2010 in Helsinki, Finland. It has offices in the United States, China, Japan, Korea, and Denmark. Supercell has 100 million daily active users with 4 million concurrent players at peak times, producing 500 TB of data a day. In this video, Heikki Verta, head of engineering at Supercell, explains how its 20-person game teams run some of the world’s most popular titles, including Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. The teams have a high degree of autonomy over the games they build and maintain. On the Clash of Clans team, 3 server developers maintain more than 2,000 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and 300 MySQL databases, as well as developing the game. They achieve this with loosely coupled, well-architected microservices, using infrastructure as code to automate scaling and recovery. The company also makes use of managed services like Amazon DynamoDB where possible, so teams spend less time on infrastructure administration.
  • Brazil

    Wildlife Studios Optimizes for Cloud Cost Efficiency, Gaining Competitive Advantage in Gaming Industry

    Wildlife Studios uses AWS to optimize cloud spending, gain better visibility into cloud usage, and reduce annual AWS spend by 45 percent.

  • Russia

    Social Quantum Finds AWS a Game Changer

    Social Quantum, an established, mid-sized Russian game developer needed to reduce costs and reduce time to market. It has already shut down 50 legacy servers and improved reliability using AWS.
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あらゆる業界のさまざまな規模の組織が AWS を活用してビジネスを変革し、日々ミッションを遂行しています。当社のエキスパートにお問い合わせいただき、今すぐ AWS ジャーニーを開始しましょう。