AWS for Games Blog

Category: Networking & Content Delivery

How to defend games against DDoS attacks

When launching a new game, it’s critical to ensure your players can access and enjoy it without interruption. That’s why you need to protect your game against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Fortunately, if you’re building your game on AWS, you’re already protected against many common DDoS attacks. This post explores the architecture decisions […]

How would you keep 125 million gamers playing smoothly online? Epic Games shares its Fortnite story.

Fortnite creators Epic Games goes all-in on AWS services, as revealed at the AWS Summit at the Javits Center in New York on 7/17/2018. Imagine your game had 125 million players. 125 million. That’s 15 times the size of New York. All those people playing your multiplayer game would be a dream come true, right? […]