AWS Migration Hub 리소스

AWS Migration Hub

일반 설명서 및 참조


(제공 예정)

Migration Hub Refactor Spaces 리소스


Introducing AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces(1:31)
Simplify App Refactoring with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces(7:15)
Refactor Apps Incrementally with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces(3:54)
Get Started with Environments in AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces(5:03)
Accelerate Modernization using AWS Proton and Refactor Spaces(7:08)

Migration Hub Orchestrator 리소스


Introducing AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator(1:30)
AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator Lightboard(7:17)
Accelerate SQL Server Migrations with AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator(40:18)

Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations 리소스


Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations(6:13)
AWS On Air 특집 Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations | AWS 이벤트(27:58)
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