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AWS Distributor는 엄격한 검수 절차를 거쳐 AWS에 특화된 파트너 개발 전문 지식과 귀사의 비즈니스에 부가가치 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 합니다. 시스템 통합업체(SI), 독립 소프트웨어 개발 판매 회사(ISV), 관리형 서비스 제공업체(MSP), 부가가치 리셀러(VAR), 디지털 마케팅 회사, 하드웨어 회사, 공공 부문 조직 등 다양한 비즈니스를 지원합니다. 시작하기 » 

파트너가 AWS Distributor와 협력해야 하는 이유 (1:24)

시장 진출 지원 확보

AWS Distributor로부터 판매 전 및 판매 후 지원, 교육, 마케팅 서비스, 활성화 프로그램을 통해 AWS 비즈니스를 구축하고 성장시키는 데 도움을 받으세요.

기술 전문 지식 확장

마이그레이션, 관리형 서비스, 클라우드 최적화 및 기타 복잡한 이니셔티브에 대한 기술 전문성을 갖춘 AWS Distributor를 활용하세요.

운영 효율성 향상

청구 및 운영 관리를 AWS Distributor에게 맡기면 팀은 긍정적인 고객 경험에 집중할 수 있습니다.

AWS 파트너 경험 극대화

AWS Distributor는 AWS 파트너로서 성장하고 모든 파트너 프로그램과 혜택을 최대한 활용할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

재판매를 도와줄 해당 국가의 AWS Distributor를 찾아보세요.

AWS 배포 프로그램 성공 사례

Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 12

항목을 찾을 수 없음 

  • Software & Internet

    Collaboration.Ai Achieves DoD Authorization in Less Than 90 Days, Saves $2 Million with Second Front, Chainguard, and AWS

    Collaboration.Ai, a leader in AI-driven innovation management software, sought to expand into the US federal government sector, particularly the Department of Defense (DoD), with its end-to-end CrowdVector innovation management platform. Obtaining the required Authority to Operate (ATO) on DoD networks—a complex, lengthy, and costly process—posed a significant challenge for the startup. By engaging with AWS Partner Second Front, a member of the AWS Global Security & Compliance Acceleration (GSCA) program and using its Game Warden DevSecOps platform on AWS GovCloud (US), Collaboration.Ai secured a Certificate to Field (CTF) for DoD networks in less than 90 days. The deployment was accelerated further by using a custom registry of secure, minimal container images from AWS Partner Chainguard. This approach saved nearly two years of work and $2 million in compliance costs, swiftly opening access to the US federal government market.

  • Software & Internet

    IBM Reduces the Co-Selling Lifecycle by 90% and Boosts Sales Opportunities with AWS by 117% with ACE CRM Integration Using Labra Platform

    IBM, a global technology enterprise, wanted to simplify the process of creating and sharing AWS co-selling opportunities from Salesforce. IBM deployed an ACE CRM integration from AWS Partner Labra, a provider of software as a service (SaaS) solutions. The integration helps IBM sales and marketing teams move campaign responses and sales opportunities from within Salesforce directly into ACE. With Labra’s co-sell automation, IBM has cut co-sell time by 90 percent, increased co-sell opportunities by 117 percent, increased revenue, and created a custom integration that streamlines marketing nurture tools.

  • Transport & Logistics

    Omni Logistics Cuts Costs by 35% While Driving Innovation and Scalability Through AWS Migration

    Omni Logistics, a global 3PL provider, needed to enhance legacy applications for agility, scalability, and real-time insights. Aging equipment, colocation space issues, and the pandemic compounded their challenges. AWS Partner BizCloud Experts helped them successfully migrate to Amazon Web Services (AWS), transforming their IT infrastructure into an agile, cost-effective, and innovative environment.

  • Software & Internet

    TTEC Digital Drives Business Growth with AWS Marketplace Professional Services

    AWS Partner TTEC Digital is driving business growth and accelerating its sales cycle by offering professional services in AWS Marketplace. As a provider of consulting services and technology for contact centers, the company wanted to grow its practice so that it could help more businesses improve their customers’ experiences. To accomplish this, TTEC Digital began selling its professional services through AWS Marketplace, streamlining procurement for AWS customers. This move has boosted visibility for the company and created new sales opportunities, facilitating its expansion and growth.

  • Manufacturing

    Clivet & Omnys

    Italy-based Clivet is set to cut maintenance costs by 10 percent using Amazon Web Services (AWS). The company is now ready to build in more cost and operational efficiencies for the residential and commercial customers it serves worldwide with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment. Clivet chose AWS Partner OMNYS to help it build an enterprise-class Internet of Things (IoT) platform on AWS to remotely manage customer installations and to use machine learning (ML) to help predict equipment outages. Using AWS, the company now has a scalable platform capable of ingesting 100 million data items daily.

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