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솔루션 공급 업체 지정으로 AWS 파트너 배지를 획득하여
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AWS Solution Provider Program 성공 사례

Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 115

항목을 찾을 수 없음 

  • Education

    Eficode and AWS Help University of Turku Scale to Improve Sustainability

    Based in Finland, the University of Turku built a business simulator to help students understand decision making around sustainability issues. To enable growth, the University worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Eficode to improve the software’s scalability and security. It has expanded its services to business leaders in addition to students. It can now add more features such as Amazon Quicksight, providing real business tools for all learners.

  • Healthcare

    NHS Midlands and Lancashire Launches Activate, Incorporating a Scalable, Cost-Effective Patient Contact Center Solution with Digital Space on AWS, Reducing Patient Waiting Lists by 9–14%

    NHS Midlands and Lancashire (NHS ML) supports nine Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) across England from its bases in the Midlands and North West, providing the high-quality transformational and back-office support they need. Using traditional methods for all patient contact was time consuming, ineffective, and expensive. The NHS ML Referral Management Centre chose AWS Partner Digital Space to migrate its patient contact center to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and deployed an automated multi-channel approach to patient communication and engagement. The innovative digital transformation of its patient waiting list management reduced waiting lists 9–14%, depending on specialty.

  • Manufacturing

    48 Hours, 0 Unplanned Downtime: How Tech Mahindra and AWS Helped RS Group Migrate to the Cloud

    RS Group, a global product and service solutions provider for industrial customers, faced challenges with its on-premises infrastructure, which limited its ability to scale and innovate. RS Group partnered with AWS Partner Tech Mahindra and Amazon Web Service (AWS) for a full lift-and-shift migration to the cloud. The migration, of which the digital production platform move was completed in only 48 hours without any unplanned downtime, has improved RS Group’s performance up to 150 percent. It has accelerated the time it takes to make infrastructure changes up to 95 percent and lowered technical debt by 12 percent. Operating on AWS has also empowered RS Group to scale efficiently, enhance resilience, and continuously innovate with AWS services.

  • Media & Entertainment

    Cloudar Helps Transform The Sports Fan Experience With Cloud-Native Scalability, a provider of streaming sports entertainment content operating in Belgium, was grappling with critical challenges that hindered their ability to attract and retain users. Partnering with AWS Partner, Cloudar—also based in Belgium—the company transitioned to a cloud-native architecture powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) technologies. This transformation enabled to deliver a seamless, personalized user experience featuring avatars that can be customized to deliver information and statistics relevant to the viewers’ interests, in their language of choice. The solution also helped optimize operational costs and set the stage for continuous innovation in a highly competitive industry.

  • General Public Services

    The National Institutes of Health Works with Govplace to Accelerate Scientific Research and Analysis

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Portfolio Analysis (OPA) sought a more scalable and flexible IT environment to support applications including a research web database and tools for indexing and searching text-based data. To meet these needs, the organization worked with AWS Partner Govplace to create a new text-based indexing and search solution on AWS. Now, OPA scales in hours instead of months to support 10 times the compute capacity, helping researchers accelerate scientific research by quickly scanning millions of grants, journal articles, and patents.

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