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솔루션 공급 업체 지정으로 AWS 파트너 배지를 획득하여
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AWS Solution Provider Program 성공 사례

Showing results: 11-15
Total results: 115

항목을 찾을 수 없음 

  • General Public Services

    COVU Reduces Call Abandonment by 20% with AWS and Reply

    COVU offers an AI-enabled platform that delivers support and services to insurance agencies. The company wanted to replace its legacy system to elevate its telephonic capabilities, as well as gain deeper insights into essential metrics, such as average wait times and abandonment rates. The new system would also provide a foundation for rapidly developing new artificial intelligence (AI) solutions and overcoming visibility and call-management limitations. COVU partnered with AWS Premier Tier Services Partner Reply to implement an AI-driven, cloud-based contact center solution built on Amazon Web Services (AWS). As a result, COVU has improved its customer experience and operational efficiency. COVU has reduced call abandonment by 20 percent, increased customer satisfaction by 10 percent, and boosted employee satisfaction by 250 percent.

  • General Public Services

    InfusionPoints and AWS Help CoachMePlus and TIAG Speed Up Compliance and Increase US Army Soldier Readiness

    CoachMePlus and The Informatics Applications Group, Inc. (TIAG) teamed up to create the Warrior Performance Platform, an athlete management system designed for the military to measure soldiers’ health and wellness. To ensure the platform met the high security standards required by the US Department of Defense (DoD), CoachMePlus and TIAG collaborated with AWS Partner InfusionPoints to use XBU40, a multi-tenant platform hosted on AWS GovCloud (US), to automate and accelerate defense industry authorization. With the security controls and automation provided by AWS and XBU40, CoachMePlus and TIAG achieved DoD Impact Level 4 (IL4) cloud provisional authorization in just over a year, opening the door to a new opportunity with the US Army to support soldier health and readiness.

  • Software & Internet

    IBM Reduces the Co-Selling Lifecycle by 90% and Boosts Sales Opportunities with AWS by 117% with ACE CRM Integration Using Labra Platform

    IBM, a global technology enterprise, wanted to simplify the process of creating and sharing AWS co-selling opportunities from Salesforce. IBM deployed an ACE CRM integration from AWS Partner Labra, a provider of software as a service (SaaS) solutions. The integration helps IBM sales and marketing teams move campaign responses and sales opportunities from within Salesforce directly into ACE. With Labra’s co-sell automation, IBM has cut co-sell time by 90 percent, increased co-sell opportunities by 117 percent, increased revenue, and created a custom integration that streamlines marketing nurture tools.

  • General Public Services

    Worldreader and SoftwareOne: Using Generative AI on AWS to Advance Global Literacy

    Worldreader aims to ignite a lifelong love of reading and learning in families and their     children. Collaborating with AWS Partner SoftwareOne, Worldreader used AWS generative AI technology to create book-aligned activities (BAAs) for a selection of stories available under Creative Commons license.  Using Amazon Bedrock and Anthropic Claude 3 Opus, SoftwareOne helped design and automate BAAs in multiple languages, increasing reader engagement, eliminating manual work, and helping young readers and their families bond while reading and discussing their favorite story.

  • General Public Services

    UK Residents Gain Deeper Insights into Commercial Vehicle Safety After DVSA Migrates Data to AWS Cloud-Native Services with BJSS

    The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), an executive agency for the UK Department for Transport, transformed the value of its commercial vehicle data using a modernized AWS infrastructure built with the support of BJSS, an AWS Government Competency Partner. As a result of the cloud-native AWS solution, DVSA data on commercial vehicles will be more easily accessible to members of the public, vehicle operators, and manufacturers. The data will help citizens make better-informed decisions on transport vehicle safety, vehicle fleet management, and vehicle development.

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