AWS Lake Formation resources
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Total results: 189
- Date
Implementing SAML AuthN for Amazon EMR using Okta and Column-Level AuthZ with AWS Lake Formation
by Venkata Sistla and Santosh Chiplunkar, 02/27/2023
by Sandeep Adwankar and Srividya Parthasarathy, 02/23/2023
by Jason Berkowitz, Aarthi Srinivasan and Leonardo Gomez, 01/31/2023
by Kayla Andersen, 01/26/2023
by Vivek Shrivastava, Raza Hafeez and Nivas Shankar, 01/24/2023
by Aarthi Srinivasan and Srividya Parthasarathy, 01/17/2023
by Jonatan Selsing, Alessandro Fior, Anwar Rizal, Moses Arthur, Hassen Riahi and Kumari Ramar, 01/04/2023
by Heidi Miller, 12/15/2022
by Srividya Parthasarathy, 12/12/2022
by Alex Artamonov, Armando Calienes, Denis Avdonin and Zmnako Awrahman, 12/09/2022