AWS ML Community
The AWS Machine Learning (ML) community is a vibrant group of developers, data scientists, researchers, and business decision makers that dive deep into artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts, contribute with real world experiences, and collaborate on projects together.
Meet the community of AWS ML customers, influencers, and experts
AWS ML Hero: Kesha Williams
Amazon Sagemaker and AWSDeepLens.
AWS ML Hero: Cyrus Wong
Amazon Textract, AWS DeepRacer, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Lex, and AWS DeepRacer.
AWS ML Hero: Guy Ernest
Amazon SageMaker, AWS DeepLens, and PyTorch on AWS.
AWS ML Hero: Agustinus Nalwan
Amazon SageMaker
AWS ML Hero: Gillian McCann
Amazon Lex
AWS ML Hero: Matthew Fryer
Amazon SageMaker
AWS ML Hero: Pavlos Mitsoulis
Amazon SageMaker
AWS ML Hero: Sung Kim
MXNet on AWS
AWS ML Hero: Francesco Pochetti
Amazon SageMaker
Learn from the ML Community
Whether you're just getting started with ML, already an expert, or something in between there is always something to learn. Choose from community created and ML focused blogs, videos, eLearning guides and much more.
Learn how to find relevance from 1,000 wine descriptors using Amazon SageMaker
Roald Schuring
Level 300
Pavlos Mitsoulis
Level 300
Connect with other AWS Developers
Whether you’re looking for expert advice, informal chats, live event feeds, launch news, or community stories, you’ll find them here.
Join the AWS ML Heroes Program
The AWS Hero program recognizes a vibrant, worldwide group of AWS experts whose enthusiasm for knowledge-sharing has a real impact within thecommunity. Heroes go above and beyond to share knowledge via social media, blog posts, open source projects, events, and user groups.