Rely on FinConecta’s Open APIs Platform to solve your institution’s needs. Find the right partner, start collaborating and expand your current digital offering. Avoid point-to-point implementation complexities, integrate in an efficient and simpler way using FinConecta’s pre-configured and standardized APIs. FinConecta's turnkey solution opens access to Open Banking benefits through one single connection, efficiently accelerating time to market and reducing implementation costs. Its modular architecture, comprising an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and a API Gateway, supports innovation end to end from fintech scouting and matching, to testing, integration, and monetization. Addressing the industry’s major challenges, some of the most relevant use cases are:
Innovation Lab. This modality fulfills the purpose of an innovation lab, providing the infrastructure and a set of predeveloped, standardized PSD2 compliant APIs to allow testing, validate third-party capabilities, and execute open innovation programs (eg. Hackathons) without the need for the institution’s core system integration. Fintech
Scouting/Plug-and-Play Store. The platform seamlessly integrates the institution’s core system with more than 200 curated third-party providers (TPPs) embedded in FinConecta’s digital solution store. Portfolio management tools to administer onboarding, billing, and metrics of TPPs (e.g. Kanbans) are also available through one single interphase.
Wallet-as-a-Service. As a connector engine, the platform is able to orchestrate multiple players as TPPs, retailers, banks, and others to white label robust digital wallets that might include e-commerce, simple credit, payments, loyalty programs, etc.
Banking-as-a-Service. Leveraging FinConecta´s infrastructure, the financial institution is able to expose via our API gateway, standardized APIs through its own branded Developer Portal and monetize banking products and services without inhouse development.
- Test third-party solutions, validate value propositions, and run proof of concepts before going into production in FinConecta’s sandbox. Use our core banking simulator (BankBot which is preconfigured with test data) for pre-integration testing and validate multiple solutions to ensure you have the right partner.
- Monetize your institution’s assets. Participate in successful API-based business models, get metrics on API calls, tap into new revenue streams, and grow your business.
- Move from capital expenditures to operating expenditures, reduce development costs and infrastructure overhead. Benefit from Platform-as-a-service and Software-as-a-Service business models.
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Want to learn more about how FinConecta’s platform can boost your institution's digital transformation? https://finconecta.com
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