A common way for enterprises and scaling organizations to manage their AWS infrastructure is the multi-account approach, which needs an automated, sustainable and compliant model. AWS Control Tower provides an easy way to manage multi-accounts.
Our solution for Control Tower including a fully automated and as-code approach to manage AWS accounts in scaled envirronments. The solution is suitable for organizations who are seeking an automated model to grow their AWS organizations and accounts.
- Discovery Assessment
- Control Tower Immersion Day Workshop
- Development and automation with Terraform
- Account Factory will AFT(Account Factory Terraform)
- Controls mirroring and automaion with kloia ctower cli
Solution Details
AFT(Account Factory Terraform) is the Terraform version of the account factory, which is used for Account Factory in our solution.
On the top of AFT, we have custom developed conrol tower cli which brings additional functions which are not present in AFT and Control Tower Dashboard, for automating the controls between the accounts.
Here are some screenshots from our cli:
List Organizational Units for current Organization
List available GuardRails Controls
List enabled GuardRails for Organizational Unit
Apply a GuardRail Control to Organizational Unit
- Kloia Control Tower cli tool for further automation of controls
- AFT(Account Factory Terraform) for as-code implementation