
Product video
Structured content Present your graph quicker than ever by composing rich documents from blocks of content backed by live data.
Exploration Empower non-technical users to explore and understand the dataset at hand with unique graph-native navigation.
Authoring Let knowledge workers model and manage graph data without being exposed to its technical details. Ensure data quality using constraints.
Low-code development Go from an idea to a proof-of-concept to a custom graph-based application in days, not weeks or months.
Limitations of the Free Edition:
- auto-generated instance URL
- self-signed server certificate (requires confirmation in the browser)
- no caching of triplestore responses
- no email notifications
This product collects your name and email address only to generate a WebID client certificate which is then stored in AWS Secrets Manager. It does not send customer information to AtomGraph or any other party.
This product requires an internet connection to deploy properly. The following packages are downloaded on deployment:
- Structured content backed by live Knowledge Graph data
- Ontology- or SHACL-based data modeling and authoring
- Intuitive graph dataset exploration for non-technical users
Features and programs
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Delivery details
CloudFormation stack
- Amazon ECS
Container image
Containers are lightweight, portable execution environments that wrap server application software in a filesystem that includes everything it needs to run. Container applications run on supported container runtimes and orchestration services, such as Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). Both eliminate the need for you to install and operate your own container orchestration software by managing and scheduling containers on a scalable cluster of virtual machines.
Version release notes
- Fixed HTTP connection leak in the ldh:send-request function
- Fixed blank node labels and typeaheads in instance creation forms
- Fixed response caching in the container generation logic to make sure fresh content with the new containers is loaded after redirect
Additional details
Usage instructions
Create the CloudFormation stack by clicking this link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home#/stacks/quickcreate?templateURL=https://s3.amazonaws.com/com.atomgraph.linkeddatahub/ldh-free.yml&stackName=LinkedDataHubFreeEdition
Fill out the stack paramaters in the "Create stack" form, such as VPC ID and the details of the owner of this LinkedDataHub instance.
Once the stack creation is complete, go to the "Outputs" section of the stack. There you will find the following values:
- LinkedDataHubURL: the URL of the LinkedDataHub instance
- OAuthCallbackURL: OAuth 2.0 redirect URL
- OwnerCertBucketName: the S3 bucket where the owner's WebID-TLS client certificate is stored.
- OwnerWebID: the WebID URI of the owner
Additional steps:
- If you chose "OpenIDConnect" as the AuthMethod, you need to add the value of "OAuthCallbackURL" under "Authorized redirect URIs" in the "Credentials" section of your Web application in the Google Cloud console (https://console.cloud.google.com )
- If you chose "ClientCertificate" as the AuthMethod, you need to install the "keystore.p12" file located in the S3 bucket indicated by "OwnerCertBucketName" into your browser or operating system.
Loading the application:
- the very first page load can take a while (~30s or more) while data is loaded into memory
- when the browser shows the "Your connection isn't private" warning, click "Advanced" and then "Continue" or "Accept the risk", depending on your browser
Vendor resources
Vendor support
Commercial support for this AWS-specific product is provided by AtomGraph. Contact us at aws@atomgraph.com .
AWS infrastructure support
AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services.