Wowza Streaming Engine (Linux PAID)
Wowza Media Systems, Inc. | 4.9.2Linux/Unix, Amazon Linux 2020 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
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Newer instance types
We use Wowza AMIs all around the world and they work pretty good.
Do you have a plan for supporting newer instance types? We use c4.4xlarge EC2 instances in most regions, but in some regions they are not available. Only newer instance type c5.4xlarge is available but your AMI doesn't support it. Could you please add it? Thank!
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Wowza Media Server is the Best
It is good
Great support
I could not record incomming rtp streams wowza did not catch them and I looked for another solution
I find the API have a parrier of passage. Not one click lunch or something like this.
1 year support only for all life license makes no sence because updates all life will need support...
The log files take tooo much space over time and I am not sure I read about alert to put them somewhere not to fill the disk!
Target to youtube
Easy and Expert Solution
And it has a very good transcoder for transcoding streams to different bitrates. With GPU and Intel Quicksync support we are able to transcode many streams in a single box.
Easy to setup, Many unsupported instance types
The marketplace AMI is only behind by a patch release so that's pretty good. Setup is easy with the marketplace. My major complain would be the lack of supported instance types. The vendor recommended instance type isn't even available for me to create anymore.
Cost makes no sense and the AMI is lagging behind severly
You can pay $65/mo per instance and install yourself on another AMI ( I suggest using a G2 instance then docker along with https://hub.docker.com/r/sameersbn/wowza/ ) or pay $92.31-$1,915.2 per month (depending on the instance type) for the exact same software. Of course, I assumed the software costs would be similar (and covered by my AWS credits; why they are not) so I found out the hard way.
Also, the AMI doesn't provide G2 support (GPU/NVENC support) and lags behind the release schedule so there's even more reason to use a standard instance or docker-capable AMI with GPU support and their monthly license. Still, be careful because whey they say "per instance", they don't mean "per machine" and they will bill you multiple times if their system "phones home" more than once for any reason. Found that out the hard way also.
g2 instances not available
Why g2 instances are not available? Is there any particular reason for it? We really have the need to utilize NVENC transcoding capability of g2.