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proxy database (72 results) showing 1 - 20
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ByHeimdall Data | Ver
Starting from $2.25/hr or from $16,500.00/yr (up to 32% savings) for software + AWS usage fees Improve SQL performance by managing connections to your database. No application changes required. User auditing for Heimdall Database Access Gateway Database Firewall (Data masking, GDPR auditing, Honey-tokens) Multi-tenant query routing for SaaS platforms All Enterprise Edition features (belo... | |
ByHeimdall Data | Ver Starting from $0.55/hr or from $4,085.00/yr (up to 20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees Improves SQL performance by intelligently managing connections. No application changes are required. Official Amazon RDS & Redshift "Service Ready" Partner Database vendor-neutral Active/Standby proxy failover only Limited technical support Get a free 30-day trial with the Enterprise Edition: h... | |
ByHeimdall Data | Ver Starting from $0.75/hr or from $5,500.00/yr (up to 32% savings) for software + AWS usage fees Improve SQL performance and scale with no application changes. Free 30-day trial: Certified Amazon RDS and Redshift "Service Ready" Partner Deployed as an EC2 proxy tier Database vendor neutral (Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server, Redshift... | |
ByHeimdall Data | Ver Starting from $1.50/hr or from $11,000.00/yr (up to 25% savings) for software + AWS usage fees Improve SQL performance by intelligently managing connections. No application changes are required. Free 30-day trial: Certified Amazon RDS & Redshift "Service Ready" Partner Deploy as an EC2 proxy tier Database vendor neutral (Post... | |
ByCloud Infrastructure Services | Ver 0.0.3 Starting from $0.03 to $0.03/hr for software + AWS usage fees Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS with Webmin GUI Webmin is a program that simplifies the process of managing a Linux Ubuntu system. Normally you need to manually edit configuration files and run commands to create accounts, set up a web server and manage email forwarding. Webmin lets you perform these tasks... | |
ByContinuent Ltd | Ver 7.1.4-cluster-tmi.2 Starting from $0.69/hr or from $5,440.00/yr (10% savings) for software + AWS usage fees Tungsten Clustering allows enterprises running business-critical MySQL database applications to cost-effectively achieve continuous operations with commercial-grade high availability (HA), geographically redundant disaster recovery (DR) and global scaling. It makes it simple to: Create database clu... | |
ByBaffle, Inc. | Ver Baffle Shield Postgres
Starting from $2.00 to $5.00/hr for software + AWS usage fees Baffle is the only security platform that cryptographically protects data as it's created, used, and shared across cloud-native data stores. Baffle Shield for Postgres Multi-Tenant Data Security enables multi-tenant applications (such as SaaS) to use a single database for all their tenants yet logi... | |
ByVarnish Software Inc | Ver 6.0.13r13 20250218-0920
Starting from $0.20/hr or from $1,314.00/yr (25% savings) for software + AWS usage fees NOTE: This is the developer edition of Varnish Enterprise 6, made available on small machines at low cost for the purpose of trying out and testing Varnish Enterprise 6. If you are new to Varnish Enterprise or an existing open-source user, this is the ideal sandbox for exploring Enterprise-only... | |
ByVarnish Software Inc | Ver 6.0.13r13 20250218-0920
Starting from $0.80/hr or from $5,256.00/yr (25% savings) for software + AWS usage fees Varnish Enterprise is a powerful, feature-rich reverse proxy and HTTP accelerator that speeds up websites and reduces streaming latency to deliver a great web experience to all users, at all times. Varnish caching technology is trusted by millions of websites worldwide to reduce backend server load... | |
ByMariaDB MariaDB MaxScale is the only proxy engine certified by MariaDB and is engineered with an extensible architecture to support plugins, extending its functionality beyond transparent load balancing to become, for example, a database firewall. With built-in plugins for multiple routers, filters and... | |
ByADEO Imaging | Ver 1.0.2
Starting from $0.07/hr or from $447.00/yr (30% savings) for software + AWS usage fees Very easy to launch and efficient Anonymous HTTP/SOCKS5 Proxy Server on Linux for accessing the internet with RADIUS accounting and authentication by username and password. Includes user management Control Web Panel. It supports modern security protocols and requires almost no maintenance. Areas of... | |
ByNetgate | Ver 24.11.0 Starting from $0.12/hr or from $849.00/yr (up to 20% savings) for software + AWS usage fees OVERVIEW pfSense Plus software is the world's leading price-performance edge firewall, router, and VPN solution. Over seven million installations used by homes, businesses, government agencies, educational institutions and service providers. PRICING //04-2024 - With the release of 24.03, Netgate wi... | |
ByNetgate | Ver 24.11.0 w/ Graviton Starting from $0.34/hr or from $2,100.00/yr (up to 31% savings) for software + AWS usage fees OVERVIEW pfSense Plus software is the world's leading price-performance edge firewall, router, and VPN solution. Over seven million installations used by homes, businesses, government agencies, educational institutions and service providers. HIGH AVAILABILITY - As of 24.03 - pfSense Plus supports Hi... | |
BySmartAMI | Ver 2.3.3 Starting from $0.07/hr or from $0.25/yr (up to 100% savings) for software + AWS usage fees TurboGate Advanced for Aurora MySQL is a complete automatic setup of your middletier proxy layer. It helps your business to use databases in a reliable and performant fassion. It also helps to set up your proxy layer automatically with 1-click deployment. With TurboGate Advanced for Aurora MySQL... | |
ByATH Infosystems | Ver 1.27.3
Starting from $0.00 to $0.01/hr for software + AWS usage fees Nginx on Ubuntu 22.04 with Free maintenance support by ATH Nginx is an open-source web server that is mainly used as a reverse proxy or HTTP cache. It functions as a reverse proxy server by directing web traffic to particular servers and is mainly used for security and load balancing. It can also f... | |
BySmartAMI | Ver 2.3.3 Starting from $0.07/hr or from $0.25/yr (up to 100% savings) for software + AWS usage fees TurboGate Advanced for MySQL and MariaDB is a complete automatic setup of your SQL proxy layer. It helps your business to use databases in a reliable and performant way. It also helps to set up your proxy layer in existing VPC with 1-click deployment. With TurboGate Advanced for MySQL and MariaDB... | |
BySmartAMI | Ver 2.3.3
Starting from $0.07/hr or from $0.25/yr (up to 100% savings) for software + AWS usage fees TurboGate with MySQL is a complete automatic setup of your database and middletier proxy layer. It helps your business to use databases in a reliable and performant fassion. It also helps to set up your database environment in a fully automatic way with 1-click deployment. With TurboGate with MySQL... | |
ByVarnish Software Inc | Ver 6.0.13r13 20250218-0920
Starting from $0.20/hr or from $1,314.00/yr (25% savings) for software + AWS usage fees NOTE: This is the developer edition of Varnish Enterprise 6, made available on small machines at low cost for the purpose of trying out and testing Varnish Enterprise 6. If you are new to Varnish Enterprise or an existing open-source user, this is the ideal sandbox for exploring Enterprise-only... | |
ByBaffle, Inc. | Ver Baffle Shield Postgres
Starting from $2.00 to $5.00/hr for software + AWS usage fees Baffle is the only security platform that cryptographically protects data as it's created, used, and shared across cloud-native data stores. Baffle Shield for Postgres Static Data Masking is specifically designed to copy and obfuscate sensitive production databases into development, testing, and De... | |
ByDataSunrise Database and Data Security | Ver DataSunrise Security secures databases and data in real-time. DataSunrise includes Database Activity Monitoring (DAM), Dynamic Data Masking, Static Data Masking, Sensitive Data Discovery, Compliance Automation and Vulnerability Assessment. DataSunrise secures all major SQL and NoSQL databases,... |