- Version Ortus Lucee CFML engine (Windows Server 2019-Patched_V5)
- Sold by Ortus Solutions, Corp
Starting from $0.25/hr or from $1,699.00/yr (22% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Ortus Lucee CFML engine (Windows 2019+Lucee)
We're the team behind ColdBox, the de-facto enterprise ColdFusion MVC Framework, TestBox, a Testing and Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Framework, ContentBox Modular CMS, a highly modular and scalable Content Management System, CommandBox, the ColdFusion (CFML) CLI, package manager, etc, and many more.
Starting from $0.25/hr or from $1,699.00/yr (22% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Ortus Lucee CFML engine (Windows 2019+Lucee)
Starting from $0.25/hr or from $1,699.00/yr (22% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Ortus Lucee CFML engine (Windows 2019+Lucee)
Starting from $0.25/hr or from $1,699.00/yr (22% savings) for software + AWS usage fees
Ortus Lucee CFML engine (Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS) AMI (Amazon Machine Image)
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