4 Usage Instructions for New Relic Plugin for AWS

To install the New Relic AWS Plugin, you first need to subscribe to the New Relic AMI. 1. Select the "Accept Terms" button. 2. Choose the region you want to launch the AMI in, select the "Launch with EC2 Console" button. 3. The AWS Web Console will open in a new page. 4. Choose your instance size. New Relic recommends a t1.micro. 5. Select "Next". Optionally, to launch into a VPC: 1. On Configure Instance Details page, choose your VPC from the Network list. To configure the New Relic AWS Plugin, download the New Relic YAML file. 1. In a new browser window, open https://raw.github.com/newrelic-platform/newrelic_aws_cloudwatch_plugin/master/config/template_newrelic_plugin.yml. 2. Copy the file contents to your clipboard. 3. Expand the Advanced Details section on the Configure Instance Details page. 4. Paste your clipboard contents into the User Data field. You will then need to edit the User Data. You will need your New Relic license key, found at https://rpm.newrelic.com/extensions/com.newrelic.aws.ec2. If you don't have a New Relic account, signup for a free-forever New Relic Standard account at http://newrelic.com/aws. 1. Replace YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE with your New Relic license key. 2. Replace YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_HERE with your AWS acccess key. 3. Replace YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY_HERE with your AWS secret key. 4. Optionally, to disable auto-updating of the AWS CloudWatch Plugin at restart, add "auto_update: false" (no quotes) as the first line. 5. Select "Next". 6. To accept the default storage device configuration, select "Next" again. 7. Optionally, edit or add instance tags on the Tag Instance page. 8. Select "Next". 9. Select "Create a new Security Group". 10. Give the security group a name and description of newrelic_aws. 11. Select Add Rule and add a custom TCP rule allowing the port range "22". 12. Select "Review and Launch". 13. Select "Launch". 14. Select a key pair for the instance. 15. Select "Launch Instances". To see your data: 1. Log in to your New Relic account at https://rpm.newrelic.com. 2. In the New Relic menu bar select the AWS plugin, e.g. "EC2" or "EBS". Note: It takes about 15 minutes before you will begin to see your data in New Relic. If it doesn't appear after a period of time, please contact New Relic Support via the Help link in New Relic.