AWS Sponsorship Resources Center
Your Resource for All Things AWS Sponsorship

You will find educational webinars, sponsor case studies, and material to enable your success as an AWS Sponsor.
Webinars and Whitepapers

AWS Sponsorship educational webinars and white papers share sponsor case studies, tips and tricks and best practices.

Fireside chat with AWS Global Events and Sponsorship leaders
Join leaders from the AWS Sponsorship Team (Kristin Shaff) and the AWS Event Team (Martin Butler) to gain insight on AWS events in 2021 and leading into 2022 as well as activation best practices.

AWS Sponsorship Overview, Inclusive Marketing, and Real-World Tips & Tricks
Overview of 2021 AWS sponsorship programs, sharing updates about upcoming programs (AWS Summit, re:Inforce, and re:Invent). What is inclusive marketing? Why is it important for Partners? Learn the real-world tips & tricks from our Partners.

Grow Your Business with AWS Sponsorship
The AWS Sponsorship team helps Partners reach the ideal audiences from Developers, IT Professionals, IT leaders, and Business decision makers in various industries. We design the sponsorship benefits based on the geographic and technographic segmentations to increase reach to your target audience.

Expanda seus negócios com o AWS Sponsorship
O programa AWS Sponsorship ajuda os parceiros da AWS, clientes e marcas a expandirem seusnegócios na AWS. Nosso programa oferece benefícios de patrocínio impactantes por meio deprogramas presenciais e virtuais, para ajudar você a atingir diferentes objetivos comerciais. Nossoprograma ajudará você a alcançar mais de 1 milhão de clientes e clientes potenciais da AWS a cada ano.

透過 AWS 贊助計畫讓您的業務蒸蒸日上


Haz crecer tu negocio con el patrocinio de AWS
El programa Global de Patrocinio de AWS crea un ROI estratégico generando oportunidades de patrocinio para aliados AWS, clientes seleccionados , y marcas reconocidas globalmente. Nuestro programa proporciona beneficios de patrocinio de impacto a través del individuo y programas virtuales, para ayudar a que los aliados AWS cumplan varias metas y objetivos del negocio.
Obtenga más información sobre cómo AWS Sponsorship le ayuda »

AWS 스폰서십과 함께 비즈니스 성장을 도모하세요
AWS 스폰서십 프로그램은 AWS 파트너, 고객 및 브랜드의 AWS 비즈니스가 성장할 수 있도록 지원합니다.당사에서는 대면 및 가상 프로그램을 통해 효과적인 스폰서십 혜택을 제공하여 AWS 파트너들이 다양한비즈니스 목표와 목적을 달성하도록 지원합니다.

AWS スポンサーシップで ビジネスを成⻑させる
AWS スポンサーシッププログラムは、AWS パートナーやお客様、ブランド企業の AWS ビジネスの成⻑を⽀援いたします。本プログラムは対⾯式およびバーチャルのプログラムにおいて、充実したスポンサーシップベネフィットを提供し、AWS パートナーの様々なビジネスゴールや⽬標の達成を⽀援いたします。毎年、何百万⼈もの AWS 顧客や潜在顧客に訴求する機会を提供しております。

AWS Sponsorship tips and tricks and best practices videos.
Best Practices – AWS Sponsorship Speaking Session (1:48)
Speaking sessions are an essential piece of our Sponsorship Opportunities for all AWS events. This are a unique opportunity to present your offerings, demos and stories to all attendees. Follow the 5 key components to create compelling content for any AWS event and help you drive high CSAT.
Tips & Tricks – Creating an Impactful Interview Segment on theCUBE (0:47)
As an AWS sponsor, we recommend you follow three guidelines to successfully prepare for your interview with theCUBE.
Tips & Tricks – Create Effective Virtual Networking Events (0:49)
Virtual networking events are a valuable way to build and foster connections when you can’t meet in person. AWS Sponsorship team shares some tips and tricks for building connections through virtual events.
AWS re:Invent 2021 Sponsorship Recap (1:10)
A look back at the exciting sponsorship activities and highlights that took place at AWS re:Invent 2021 in Las Vegas, NV.
AWS re:Invent 2020 Sponsorship Recap (1:03)
re:Invent 2020 welcomed 151 sponsoring Partners for our first virtual event in history. Here’s a quick look at the 2020 sponsorship program by the numbers.
AWS Public Sector Summit Sponsorship Program (1:20)
AWS Worldwide Public Sector Summits are held in major cities globally and attract technologists from all industries and skill levels who want to discover how AWS can help them innovate quickly and deliver flexible, reliable solutions at scale.
AWS全球赞助商见证 (1:53)
AWS 글로벌 스폰서십에 대한 추천 동영상 (1:52)
AWS 스폰서십 프로그램은 AWS 파트너, 고객 및 브랜드의 AWS 비즈니스가 성장할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다. 당사에서는 대면 및 가상 프로그램을 통해 획기적인 스폰서십 혜택을 제공하여 다양한 비즈니스 목표와 목적을 달성하도록 지원합니다. 이 프로그램을 통해 성공을 경험한 AWS스폰서사의 목소리를 직접 들어 보시기 바랍니다.
AWS グローバルスポンサーシップ スポンサー様の声 (1:52)
AWS スポンサーシッププログラムは、AWS パートナーやお客様、ブランド企業の AWS ビジネスの成長を支援いたします。本プログラムは対面式およびバーチャルのプログラムにおいて、充実したスポンサーシップベネフィットを提供し、様々なビジネスゴールと目標の達成を支援いたします。本プログラムを通じてどのように成功されたか、AWSスポンサー様の声をご覧ください。
AWS Global Sponsorship Testimonials (1:52)
O programa de patrocínio da AWS ajuda os clientes, as marcas e os parceiros da AWS a desenvolver seus negócios da AWS. Nosso programa oferece benefícios impactantes de patrocínio por meio de programas presenciais e virtuais para ajudar você a atender as diversas metas e objetivos de negócios. Ouça dos patrocinadores da AWS como eles obtiveram sucesso por meio desse programa.
AWS EMEA Sponsorship Program(1:19)
Are you an AWS Partner looking to grow your AWS business, launch a new product, announce a service enhancement, or showcase your brand to early adopters? AWS Sponsorships can be a great way to get hands on with technology enthusiasts and communicate the value of your products and services. AWS sponsorships are a valuable marketing platform for you to grow your business.
Testimonios de AWS Global Sponsorship (1:52)
El programa AWS Sponsorship ayuda a los Socios de AWS, los clientes y las marcas a impulsar el crecimiento de sus negocios con AWS. Nuestro programa ofrece beneficios de patrocinio importantes a través de programas presenciales y virtuales con el fin de ayudarlo a lograr distintas metas y objetivos comerciales. Escuche a patrocinadores de AWS que cuentan cómo han tenido éxito con este programa.
AWS全球贊助商見證 (1:52)