« The Official AWS Podcast
Ep. 627: Amazon DataZone
Episode summary
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Jillian Forde
Jillian is a Sr. Solutions Architect who works with startups to help them grow their businesses using the AWS cloud. Jillian did not have a tech background prior to joining AWS. As an official AWS podcast host, she strives to help people new to the tech industry and cloud computing learn technical concepts essential to a thriving career. Follow her on Twitter.

Shikha Verma
Shikha Verma is the Head of Product for Amazon DataZone and a core member of the DataZone leadership team since its inception. Shikha has spent her 20+ years of career in the areas of data, analytics and machine learning. Outside of work, Shikha enjoys sunrise hikes, gardening, and creative projects.

Amir Bar-Or
Amir Bar-Or is a principal engineer in the AWS Analytics space and a core member of the DataZone leadership team since its inception. Amir has over 20 years of experience in the area of analytics, machine learning and databases, building software products and serving enterprise customers in this space. Outside his work, he is an NBA fan, and Pickleball enthusiastic.
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About The Official AWS Podcast
The Official AWS Podcast is a podcast for developers and IT professionals looking for the latest news and trends in storage, security, infrastructure, serverless, and more. Join Simon Elisha, Hawn Nguyen-Loughren, and Jillian Forde for regular updates, deep dives, launches, and interviews. Whether you’re training machine learning models, developing open source projects, or building cloud solutions, The Official AWS Podcast has something for you.