Why can't I buy the Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance that I need through the EC2 console?

2 minute read

I tried to buy a particular Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance (RI) through the AWS Management Console. But I can't see any RIs, or I receive an error after choosing Search.


Here are some common reasons why you might not see the RIs that you're looking for:

  • AWS can't guarantee the capacity that you're looking for. Purchase capacity in a different Availability Zone in the same Region instead. Also, be sure that the RI that you're trying to purchase is for an instance configuration that AWS offers.
  • You've reached your limit for RIs in a Region. For information about viewing and increasing your RI limit, see Amazon EC2 service quotas.
  • You're purchasing a No Upfront RI with a new AWS account. AWS restricts the ability for new accounts to purchase No Upfront RIs. The restriction on purchasing No Upfront RIs is lifted automatically, usually after about a month. For more information, see Reserved Instances payment options.

AWS Support can't manually update these limits or add No Upfront RIs to your account on your behalf.

Note: AWS Support can't purchase RIs on your behalf.

Related information

Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances

How to purchase Reserved Instances

Buy Reserved Instances

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago