How do I resolve the "unresolved issues with your inputs" error in AWS Batch when I try to delete my compute environment?

2 minute read

When I try to delete my AWS Batch compute environment, I receive the following error message: "There are unresolved issues with your inputs. Please review the form and try again." How can I resolve this error and delete my compute environment?

Short description

AWS Batch returns an unresolved issues with your inputs error in the following situations:

  • An incorrect AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service role causes your compute environment to enter the INVALID state.
  • A resource from a parameter that could only be edited when your compute environment was created no longer exists in your AWS account. For example: A security group.

To resolve the error, you must first make sure that your compute environment is in the VALID state. Then, update the compute environment with a new service role that includes the required permissions before deleting the compute environment.


If your compute environment is in the INVALID state

1.    Follow the instructions in How do I fix an INVALID compute environment in AWS Batch? to move your compute environment into the VALID state.

2.    Follow the instructions in the If your compute environment is in the VALID state section of this article.

If your compute environment is in the VALID state

Note: If you receive errors when running AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, make sure that you’re using the most recent AWS CLI version.

1.    Update the compute environment with a new service role that includes the required permissions by running the following update-compute-environment command:

Important: Replace your-aws-region with your compute environment's AWS Region. Replace your-compute-environment-arn with your compute environment's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). Replace your-service-role-arn with your AWS Batch service IAM role's ARN.

aws --region your-aws-region batch update-compute-environment --compute-environment your-compute-environment-arn --service-role your-service-role-arn

2.    Deactivate the compute environment by running the following update-compute-environment command:

Important: Replace your-aws-region with your compute environment's AWS Region. Replace your-compute-environment-arn with your compute environment's ARN.

aws --region your-aws-region batch update-compute-environment --compute-environment  your-compute-environment-arn --state DISABLED

3.    Delete the compute environment by running the following delete-compute-environment command:

Important: Replace your-aws-region with your compute environment's AWS Region. Replace your-compute-environment-arn with your compute environment's ARN.

aws --region your-aws-region batch delete-compute-environment --compute-environment your-compute-environment-arn

AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago