How do I configure geoproximity routing through the Route 53 console?

3 minute read

I want to configure geoproximity routing through the Amazon Route 53 console.

Short description

Geoproximity routing allows Amazon Route 53 to route traffic based on the geographic location of users and resources. With an element called bias, you can optionally increase or decrease the size of a geographic area.


Create a traffic policy with geoproximity routing

  1. Create a traffic policy.
  2. For Start point, choose the desired record type, such as A or MX.
  3. For Connect to, choose Geoproximity rule.
  4. Choose your Endpoint Location. If you choose Custom, you must enter the location’s latitude and longitude Coordinates. Otherwise, choose the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Region where your endpoint is located, such as US East (N. Virginia).
  5. (Optional) For Bias, enter the desired bias value. Choose Show geoproximity map for a visual representation of the effects the bias that you configure.
  6. (Optional) Under Health checks, select or clear Evaluate target health. Then, select a health check to associate with the record.
  7. For Connect to, choose New endpoint.
  8. For Type, choose Value.
  9. For Value, enter the IP address of your endpoint.
  10. For each additional endpoint, choose Add another geoproximity location, and then repeat steps 4-9.
  11. Choose Create traffic policy.

(Optional) Create a policy record

With a policy record, you can route traffic from the internet to the resources specified in your traffic policy. When you create a policy record, you specify the traffic policy to use and the hosted zone where it's created. For more information, see Creating policy records.

(Optional) Test your geoproximity routing policy

To test the DNS response through the Route 53 console, see Checking DNS responses from Route 53.

Important: Amazon Route 53 uses the edns-client-subnet extension of EDNS0 to improve the accuracy of the responses returned.

For Amazon Route 53 to use EDNS0 when you make routing decisions, the resolver used to perform the query must support EDNS0.

If the resolver doesn't support EDNS0: The IP address of the resolver is used to make a routing decision.

If the resolver supports EDNS0: A truncated version of the client IP address that makes the original request is passed to Amazon Route 53 and used to make a decision.

When you test how Route 53 is responds to geoproximity queries, you must determine if the resolver supports EDNS0. For more information, see How can I determine if my public DNS resolver supports the EDNS Client Subnet (ECS) extension?

AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago