Expanding quantities of media-based information such as videos, images, and audio are difficult to codify, classify, and organize. Applying AI/ML to analyze and collect information from within media results in easier storage, recall, and movement of otherwise hard to organize media files. Media Intelligence enables users to more easily label, recall, and combine their media assets.

AWS Services

Purpose-built cloud products

AWS Solutions

Ready-to-deploy solutions assembling AWS Services, code, and configurations

Showing results: 1-3
Total results: 3
  • Publish Date
  • Media Insights on AWS

    Deploy a solution that is a development framework for building applications that process videos, images, audio, and text with machine learning services on AWS.

  • Dynamic Image Transformation for Amazon CloudFront

    Transform, optimize, and deliver images in real time at a fraction of the cost.

  • Content Localization on AWS

    Deploy a solution that automatically creates accurate multi-language subtitles for your video-on-demand (VOD) content to reach new audiences, globally.
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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 5
  • Publish Date
  • Capturing Retail Video Analytics on AWS

    This Guidance shows how retailers can harness in-store cameras and AI/ML capabilities to gain deeper customer insights and enhance in-store experiences.
  • Media2Cloud on AWS

    This Guidance helps you facilitate the migration of your digital assets to the cloud, allowing you to take full advantage of the latest advancements in asset management and prepare content for distribution to media consumers.
  • Asynchronous Image Generation with Stable Diffusion on AWS

    This Guidance helps you implement a scalable and low-cost Stable Diffusion (SD) web user interface (UI) inference architecture on AWS

  • Video Summarization using Amazon SageMaker and AI Services

    This Guidance demonstrates how Amazon Sagemaker and Large Language Models (LLMs) can be used to create short-form video summaries compiled from a longer, original video file.
  • Photo Search on AWS

    This Guidance helps news media companies organize and implement search capabilities so they can efficiently locate the right photo from a large library of images.

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