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Aeroporti di Roma Improves the Passenger Experience through Continuous Innovation

"We chose AWS as a strategic partner for our accelerator program because only such a player could deliver an outstanding performance in terms of technology, reliability, and the security of its cloud environment, but at the same time embracing our innovation and sustainability key values that could actually deliver our vision in terms of the airport of the future.”

Giulio Ranucci
Head of Innovation & Digital, Aeroporti di Roma

If you follow the motto, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” you’ll want to head to the Innovation Hub at Rome Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci Airport to explore how the pioneering team at Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) is partnering with start-ups and AWS to design the airport of the future.

With a strategy to fully integrate innovation into every aspect of its business, AdR is reshaping the customer experience for the millions of passengers that travel through its airports.

AdR manages and develops the airports of Rome Fiumicino and Ciampino. In 2022 the Airports Council International Europe recognized Rome Fiumicino, also known as Leonardo da Vinci, with the "Best Airport Award" for the fourth time in five years. This recognition can be attributed to the group’s continuous investments in innovative solutions to optimize the passenger experience and minimize disruptions.

Migrating to the Cloud

AdR began collaborating with AWS in 2020. The company needed a reliable and scalable solution that could handle AdR's complex operations while ensuring uninterrupted service for millions of passengers. AdR chose to build on AWS, using the comprehensive suite of cloud services and expert guidance available. With the support of AWS teams, AdR is migrating its IT systems, enabling AdR to optimize its operations, enhance its web presence, and accelerate the pace of innovation.

Shaping the Airport of the Future Using AWS

In 2022, AdR opened an Innovation Hub to identify and foster innovative solutions to meet the airports’ strategic objectives, enhance employee skills, and create new business opportunities. The hub, a 650 square meter facility located inside Rome Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci Airport’s Terminal One, hosts 10–15 start-ups each year that are focused on building solutions to solve common airport needs.

The Hub was launched with a Call for Ideas. This aimed to identify startups from across the world interested in using Fiumicino to develop their solutions in six areas of airport operation: improving punctuality; data-driven systems; process automation; energy efficiency; the passenger digital experience; and omnichannel commerce. Most of the digital solutions that emerged from the Call for Ideas are cloud-based and use AWS services.


One of the remarkable outcomes of AdR building on AWS is the emergence of two groundbreaking startups through the company's Call for Ideas program. Ottonomy, powered by AWS, has developed an automatic delivery robot leveraging 3D lidar sensor technology. Passengers simply scan a QR code, place an order, and the robot delivers food and beverages anywhere in the airport. Airport AI, also built on AWS, provides near real-time flight information to passengers and offers automated responses to frequently asked questions, enhancing the overall passenger engagement. Recently, both AdR and AWS worked with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and nine other companies to create a proof of concept that helped customers on a British Airways flight use digital wallets, digital passports, and biometrics to move seamlessly through the airport.

Watch the video to learn how AdR is shaping the airport of the future in collaboration with AWS.

Learn how AWS can help you improve operations and enhance the passenger experience.

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