Customer Stories / Manufacturing

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AWS Teaches Boston Dynamics Spot Robot New Tricks

AWS services can enhance customers’ Spot inspection solutions with over-the-air (OTA) edge deployment, remote monitoring, machine learning inference, and data ingestion.  

Spot is an agile mobile robot from Boston Dynamics that navigates terrain with unprecedented mobility, allowing you to automate routine inspection tasks and data capture safely, accurately, and frequently. Amazon Web Services (AWS) can enhance customers’ Spot inspection solutions with over-the-air (OTA) edge deployment, remote monitoring, machine learning inference, and data ingestion. Multiple Spot robots running AWS IoT Greengrass demonstrate inspection capabilities as they examine physical valves, and report status back up to a dashboard hosted in AWS.

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams provides secure, low-latency, two-way streaming with video and data channels for remote monitoring and control. Users can view streaming video from the Spot robots on the demo monitor, as well as their own devices, and see how the robots connect to the cloud using Private LTE hosted on AWS Snowball Edge. All of these services can be deployed on AWS at scale.

AWS Services Used

AWS IoT Greengrass

Build intelligent IoT devices faster

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Amazon Kinesis Video Streams

Capture, process, and store media streams for playback, analytics, and machine learning

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AWS Snowball

Accelerate moving offline data or remote storage to the cloud

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