As organizations continue to expand the use of computer aided engineering, there is an increasing need to improve modeling and simulation. Organizations must prototype its assets, accelerate time to market, reduce costs, improve quality, and ensure seamless collaboration across all stakeholders. Computer Aided Engineering solutions on AWS provide a production-ready environment for high and low fidelity data simulation and analysis. A high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure can be simplified and more cost-effective. And a web portal helps to visualize job queuing, launching, and run-time monitoring, as well as simulation and analysis information. The solutions offer easy collaboration between a wide range of hardware and software. If necessary, the solutions can also help deploy cloud-based workstations for processing product design data.

AWS Services

Purpose-built cloud products

AWS Solutions

Ready-to-deploy solutions assembling AWS Services, code, and configurations

Showing results: 1
Total results: 1
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  • Scale-Out Computing on AWS

    Deploy a solution that helps customers more easily deploy and operate a multiuser environment for computationally intensive workflows.
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Partner Solutions

Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

Showing results: 7-12
Total results: 13
  • Publish Date
  • Parallel Works Platform

    The Parallel Works platform allows customers in government, industry, and academia to easily access hybrid cloud and on-premises HPC resources across all supported cloud providers including AWS, while monitoring and managing expenditure in near real time. The platform provides true Slurm clusters in the cloud, dynamic resource pools, workflow orchestration tools, and award-winning ML capabilities that were developed in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory. It can be delivered both as a SaaS and as a customer-deployed platform. Either model allows the customer to use their own cloud accounts if they prefer to.
  • CFD Direct From the Cloud™

    CFDDFC® includes a command line interface (CLI) that enables simple, fast launching of AWS instances. Fast networking is enabled, including EFA, to produce clusters of instances with strong parallel scaling. CFDDFC is supported by CFD Direct, which includes the core maintenance team of OpenFOAM.
  • Slurm HPC Workload Manager Support

    SchedMD provides Level 3 Slurm workload manager support, consulting, configuration, and training services to accelerate results across AWS cloud and on-prem clusters with proven best practices and innovation.
  • Ansys Sim AI(tm)

    Ansys SimAI, is an artificial intelligence platform for engineers who must rapidly explore and predict the performance of new concepts across design phases. SimAI provides reliable and fast results, is accessible through a user-friendly, cloud-native application and targets a wide engineering audience that includes all engineers and designers.
  • UberCloud HPC Platform

    UberCloud helps engineering leaders build a high performance computing (HPC) capability on AWS. Our cloud-native software lets customers architect a platform that can be used for technical computing simulations by the entire organization.
  • Simcenter Cloud HPC

    Running CFD simulations on the cloud offers increased flexibility and scalability over on-premise hardware, with on-demand access and unlimited capacity. However, setting up and accessing the cloud using 3rd party providers often requires significant time and expertise in cloud and HPC technologies and interrupts existing workflows. Simcenter Cloud HPC gives you instant access to optimized Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, configured and managed by Siemens, with no additional setup needed.
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