Maintaining Personalized Experiences with Machine Learning


Maintaining Personalized Experiences with Machine Learning helps you build custom Amazon Personalize experiences for your product portfolio, including custom recommendation models at scale. This AWS Solution streamlines and accelerates the development and deployment of your personalization workloads through automation and scheduled updates for resources within Amazon Personalize.


Automate resource creation

Automate the creation of all resources in Amazon Personalize upfront to save on time and costs.

Build recommendation models
Define and build recommendation models automatically by declaring their configuration.
Integrate Amazon Personalize workflows

Integrate workflows around Amazon Personalize into your applications.

Technical details

You can automatically deploy this architecture using the implementation guide and the accompanying AWS CloudFormation template.

Solving with AWS Solutions: Maintaining Personalized Experiences with Machine Learning

This video shows you how to streamline and accelerate the development, automation, and deployment of your Amazon Personalize workloads using Maintaining Personalized Experiences with Machine Learning.

Watch the video 
Use cases for this AWS Solution
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Deployment options
Ready to get started?
Deploy this solution by launching it in your AWS Console

Need help? Deploy with a partner.
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