Virtual representations of physical environments integrated with data from diverse sources

Analyzing and optimizing complex physical systems through traditional methods can be cumbersome and limited in their ability to capture timely insights. Deploying digital twin technology virtually replicates and mirrors the structure and behavior of their physical assets. Through digital twins they can get a simplified visual context of their assets (equipment, sites, products, processes) performance and related processes, saving time and operational costs related to system analysis and optimization. These digital models integrate data across IoT sensors, spatial information, and advanced analytics to provide a holistic view for customers. The AWS Digital Twin Framework provides a unified architecture spanning data collection, spatial data lakes, predictive modeling, and applications that consume and action the data. This framework enables flexible pathways to build and scale digital twin deployments across multiple business outcomes like asset performance management, product and process optimization, engineering design, site layout optimization, and an augmented workforce.

AWS Services

Purpose-built cloud products

Partner Solutions

Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

Showing results: 7-9
Total results: 9
  • Alphabetical (A->Z)
  • NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation

    NVIDIA T4 GPUs features mixed-precision tensor processing required to deploy AI services at scale while significantly reducing operational costs T4 combined with RTX vWS supports the next generation of computer graphics and RTX-enabled applications, enabling AI-enhanced graphics and photo realistic design. NVIDIA RTX ray tracing capabilities are only available with RTX capable GPU instances (e.g. T4 Tensor Core GPU)
  • Treedis

    Treedis is a SaaS platform that lets you unleash the power of Matterport digital twins, create hybrid experiences, and navigate the metaverse. Through a one-stop-shop platform, Treedis offers hundreds of 3D, AR, and VR solutions available for 3D creators or Enterprises to bring their vision to life, with no coding required. Over 5,000 clients have used Treedis to onboard the hybrid metaverse, including large corporations such as Skoda, Havells, Optical Center, Coca Cola, Dow Jones, and many others.
  • Twin Central

    Twin Central – Intuitive industrial digital twin builder that provides semantic asset modelling, mapping and management from operational, engineering and transactional metadata sources. A simple approach to create and manage an asset-centric, single source of truth and semantic data model across the enterprise. Twin Central can create digital twin data models that map, connect, link, store, and synchronize relationships between assets and their operational, engineering and financial metadata using a unified digital twin relationship graph.
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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

Showing results: 1-3
Total results: 3
  • Publish Date
  • Digital Twin Framework on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to leverage AWS services to create digital twins for industrial Internet of Things (IoT), spatial compute, and simulation use cases.
  • Self-Calibrating Level 4 Digital Twins on AWS

    This Guidance helps you orchestrate and deploy a Level 4 digital twin that is capable of self-calibration based on data from the physical entity and the environment.
  • Industrial Digital Twin on AWS

    This Guidance provides a set of artifacts that will guide customers in building a production monitoring architecture with AWS IoT TwinMaker and supporting services.
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