Organizations with aging equipment face reliability concerns and costly disruptions due to unplanned downtime. Equipment Analytics solutions on AWS provide continuous visibility into equipment's health and performance, helping AWS customers establish or improve a proactive maintenance strategy. These solutions facilitate cloud-connectivity for existing equipment through retrofit kits and protocol conversions, along with edge computing capabilities to allow the equipment to process data and perform analytics locally. These solutions also support customizable dashboards and reports related to asset performance, delivering meaningful operational and business insights that customers can use to take targeted actions.

AWS Services

Purpose-built cloud products

Partner Solutions

Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

Showing results: 13-15
Total results: 15
  • Alphabetical (A->Z)
  • TrendMiner

    Advanced time-series data analytics for operational experts in the process manufacturing industries to analyze, monitor and predict process and asset performance to improve operational excellence.
  • Twin Sight

    Twin Sight – intuitive, simple visualization tool and dashboard builder that provides fast, easy, and secure access to operational, engineering, transactional real-time data and semantic data. An intuitive, modern approach to visualizing operational data and semantic metadata in conjunction with analytics, ML insights for anomaly detection, production optimization, and operation monitoring and optimization across all production sites.
  • Twin Talk

    TwinTalk, an event-driven, real-time data sharing platform, enables you to read, write, monitor and stream large amount of operational sensor data bi-directionally between operational system (such as OSIsoft PI) and public/private clouds, data lakes, platforms, and AI, ML or analytics applications.
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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

Showing results: 1-3
Total results: 3
  • Publish Date
  • Deploying Smart Machines on AWS

    This Guidance demonstrates how to deploy, manage, and monitor smart industrial products with AWS services.
  • Equipment Analytics on AWS

    This Guidance illustrates a comprehensive, three-modular approach to connecting and analyzing your industrial equipment, addressing the key stages of equipment connectivity, analytics, and data visualization.
  • Predictive Maintenance with Amazon Monitron

    This Guidance helps you generate actionable insights for predictive maintenance management in industrial environments using Amazon Monitron and other AWS services.
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