ARiVA provides the most comprehensive data solution available from any provider, configured to support multiple needs in the commercial air transportation sector: Real time operations control (airborne ops and airfield ops); ICAO GADSS compliance; Operational safety; Predictive analytics; Traffic analysis; Statistical reporting; Aircraft asset tracking; aeronautical charges capture and reporting. ARiVA Data Services, a component of The ARiVA Platform, consists of: (1) ARiVA Global Feed (real-time tracking, predictions, flight status and milestones); Standardized Data Queries & Reports; Customized Reports. Whether you are an airline, airport operator, Fixed Base Operator, business aviation flight services provider, airline/airport operations systems provider, ground handler, or aircraft lessor/asset manager – ARiVA Data can be configured for your needs from a standard set of flexible options. ARiVA Data is available via a standard application programming interface (API) to integrate with customer or third-party partner systems. (2) ARiVA SaaS visualization software: a single, common operating platform for customers to optimize their operations across all internal stakeholders, while supporting collaboration between airlines, airports, air navigation service providers and other aviation stakeholders to drive greater efficiencies through information exchange and shared workflow. Capabilities include: • Situational awareness; • Predictive alerting and decision support • Collaborative workflow tools to support complex operations requiring actions from multiple stakeholders on a common operating platform • Aeronautical Charges Management tools, for data-driven auditing and billing of airport fees. ARiVA SaaS is both configurable (set up for any airline, airport, or airspace in the world using standard library of components) and personalizable (adapt all components to the specific user’s operational role and needs).
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