AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortağı Programı

AWS en iyi uygulamalarını hayata geçirin, riskleri azaltın ve güçlü uygulamalar oluşturun

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AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortağı Programı, kuruluşların hem mimari açıdan doğru alışkanlıklar edinmesine ve riskleri azaltmasına hem de tasarımları, uygulamaları ve iş yüklerini etkileyen değişikliklere daha hızlı müdahale etmesine yardımcı olur. AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortakları, hem işinizin hem de müşterilerinizin ihtiyaçlarına uygun yüksek kaliteli çözümler oluşturmak, en iyi uygulamaları hayata geçirmek, iş yüklerinin durumunu kontrol etmek ve iyileştirmeler yapmak için gereken uzmanlığı kazanır.

AWS Well-Architected'ı kullanmaya yeni mi başlıyorsunuz? AWS Well-Architected Framework'ün, bulut mimarlarının uygulamaları ve iş yükleri için güvenli, yüksek performanslı, dayanıklı ve verimli altyapılar oluşturmasına nasıl yardımcı olduğunu öğrenin.

Aşağıdan başarı öykülerini inceleyin ve nasıl kullanmaya başlayacağınızı öğrenin.

Build robust applications with AWS Well-Architected best practices (1:19)

Müşteri ilişkilerini zenginleştirin

İş yüklerinde yüksek risk teşkil eden konuları tespit edip ortadan kaldırmak için AWS Well-Architected Framework İncelemeleri'nden yararlanın. Böylece müşteri güveni inşa edin ve yeni müşteri ilişkilerine zemin hazırlayın.

AWS en iyi uygulamalarını hayata geçirin

Zamandan tasarruf edin, maliyetleri düşürün, verimliliği artırın ve iş yükü uygunluğunu izleyip geliştirmek için müşterilere gerçek bilgilere dayanan iyileştirme planları sunun.

Görünürlüğünüzü artırın

Uzmanlığınızı müşterilere, AWS ekiplerine ve çözüm ortaklarına göstermek için Well-Architected tayiniyle pazarlama teminatında AWS Çözüm Ortağı rozetinizi kullanın.

İş yüklerinizde riskleri azaltmak mı istiyorsunuz?

AWS Well-Architected Programı Çözüm Ortaklarının Başarı Öyküleri

Showing results: 16-20
Total results: 119

öğe bulunamadı 

  • General Public Services

    Worldreader and SoftwareOne: Using Generative AI on AWS to Advance Global Literacy

    Worldreader aims to ignite a lifelong love of reading and learning in families and their     children. Collaborating with AWS Partner SoftwareOne, Worldreader used AWS generative AI technology to create book-aligned activities (BAAs) for a selection of stories available under Creative Commons license.  Using Amazon Bedrock and Anthropic Claude 3 Opus, SoftwareOne helped design and automate BAAs in multiple languages, increasing reader engagement, eliminating manual work, and helping young readers and their families bond while reading and discussing their favorite story.

  • Software & Internet

    ERIN’s Cloud Transformation Cuts Costs, Promotes Growth, and Enables New Features

    An innovative employee referral platform operating with a team of 25 people, ERIN faced challenges keeping up with rapid growth. A collaboration with AWS Partner SourceFuse improved ERIN’s cloud setup to use its resources more effectively and eliminate unnecessary services. The outcome was transformative: ERIN cut hosting costs by 40 percent, found the flexibility it needed to meet demand, and advanced its feature roadmap. The solution helped ERIN achieve near triple-digit growth in revenue year over year, broaden its reach, and deliver new offerings to customers.

  • Manufacturing

    Packstyle and Omnys Cut Fulfillment Times by 94% and Triple Production Rates Using AWS

    Italian startup Packstyle makes highly customizable flexible packaging for food and other products. It specializes in smaller orders and short production runs—this means that inefficiencies in its ordering system are keenly felt. After trying to develop a platform in-house, it turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AWS Partner Omnys to build a modular, scalable production platform to match its highly specialized factory systems. Switching from manual, paper-based systems has transformed its business, doubled its production rate by making better use of its production facilities, cut order fulfillment times from 3 minutes to 10 seconds, and given all employees access to better data, which gives them a deeper understanding of Packstyle’s customers.

  • Travel & Hospitality

    Firemind Helps Center Parcs Unlock 360-Degree Customer Insights, Enabling 90% Customer Satisfaction Rate

    Center Parcs, a leading holiday operator in the UK and Ireland, sought to enhance its data management and analytics capabilities to better serve more than two million annual guests. Struggling with fragmented data and delayed processing, the company engaged with AWS Partner Firemind. Firemind implemented a robust data lake architecture on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enabled real-time data integration and advanced analytics. This enhanced Center Parcs’ operational efficiency and laid the foundation for future innovations, including personalized guest experiences driven by machine learning.

  • Software & Internet

    Accenture Transforms Blueriq’s Application Platform with Scalable Infrastructure on AWS

    Blueriq’s business process automation software is used by some of the Netherlands’ most important organizations in government, healthcare, defense, and banking. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the company’s customers ran into scalability limitations when running the company’s applications on servers in data centers. To address this, Blueriq turned to AWS Partner Accenture Netherlands to help it design and build new versions of its products on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The Blueriq Platform is now available as a platform as a service (PaaS) solution so customers can securely deploy scalable applications with minimal effort. In addition, the company can also offer its Blueriq Studio process modeling environment to customers as a software as a service (SaaS) solution.

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