AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortağı Programı

AWS en iyi uygulamalarını hayata geçirin, riskleri azaltın ve güçlü uygulamalar oluşturun

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AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortağı Programı, kuruluşların hem mimari açıdan doğru alışkanlıklar edinmesine ve riskleri azaltmasına hem de tasarımları, uygulamaları ve iş yüklerini etkileyen değişikliklere daha hızlı müdahale etmesine yardımcı olur. AWS Well-Architected Çözüm Ortakları, hem işinizin hem de müşterilerinizin ihtiyaçlarına uygun yüksek kaliteli çözümler oluşturmak, en iyi uygulamaları hayata geçirmek, iş yüklerinin durumunu kontrol etmek ve iyileştirmeler yapmak için gereken uzmanlığı kazanır.

AWS Well-Architected'ı kullanmaya yeni mi başlıyorsunuz? AWS Well-Architected Framework'ün, bulut mimarlarının uygulamaları ve iş yükleri için güvenli, yüksek performanslı, dayanıklı ve verimli altyapılar oluşturmasına nasıl yardımcı olduğunu öğrenin.

Aşağıdan başarı öykülerini inceleyin ve nasıl kullanmaya başlayacağınızı öğrenin.

Build robust applications with AWS Well-Architected best practices (1:19)

Müşteri ilişkilerini zenginleştirin

İş yüklerinde yüksek risk teşkil eden konuları tespit edip ortadan kaldırmak için AWS Well-Architected Framework İncelemeleri'nden yararlanın. Böylece müşteri güveni inşa edin ve yeni müşteri ilişkilerine zemin hazırlayın.

AWS en iyi uygulamalarını hayata geçirin

Zamandan tasarruf edin, maliyetleri düşürün, verimliliği artırın ve iş yükü uygunluğunu izleyip geliştirmek için müşterilere gerçek bilgilere dayanan iyileştirme planları sunun.

Görünürlüğünüzü artırın

Uzmanlığınızı müşterilere, AWS ekiplerine ve çözüm ortaklarına göstermek için Well-Architected tayiniyle pazarlama teminatında AWS Çözüm Ortağı rozetinizi kullanın.

İş yüklerinizde riskleri azaltmak mı istiyorsunuz?

AWS Well-Architected Programı Çözüm Ortaklarının Başarı Öyküleri

Showing results: 26-30
Total results: 119

öğe bulunamadı 

  • Transport & Logistics

    Cowboy Migrates to AWS and Gains Scalability with Ease Using CloudNation

    Cowboy, an ebike manufacturer headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, was outgrowing its infrastructure, which could have affected the rider experience if left unresolved. It had already reached the largest option its cloud provider offered but was starting to encounter latency issues related to data retrieval. Although the company was not yet experiencing downtime or affecting availability to customers, it was clear that its systems would eventually be overwhelmed if it didn’t make a change. Working with AWS Partner CloudNation, it migrated to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to remove performance bottlenecks and optimize its use of resources and its costs.

  • General Public Services

    City of Los Angeles Works with ScaleCapacity to Cut Document Management Costs by 80% on AWS

    ScaleCapacity, an AWS Partner, worked alongside the City of Los Angeles Information Technology Agency (ITA) to move a critical document management system to an Amazon wEB Services (AWS) serverless solution using services including Amazon S3 and AWS Backup. As a result, the ITA reduced its document management costs by 80 percent, lowered data replication time from 24 hours to 15 minutes, and scales on demand to store 500,000 additional data objects each year.

  • Healthcare

    Zen Helps Westfield Health Migrate to Boost Reliability and Security Using AWS

    International health and wellbeing provider Westfield Health worked with AWS Partner Zen to migrate its insurance platform from two data centers to Amazon Web Services (AWS), with the goals of improving reliability and developer efficiency while strengthening its security and compliance.

  • Manufacuring

    Apollo Tyres Gains 9% Productivity with IoT Solution from Deloitte and AWS

    Apollo Tyres, one of India’s largest tire manufacturers, sought to transform its manufacturing processes with an ambitious digital strategy. The company worked with AWS Partner Deloitte to implement an Internet of Things (IoT) solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS), connecting its production equipment to a data lake. Real-time data collection, integration, and advanced analytics through a centralized dashboard have enabled a 9 percent increase in productivity on primary equipment and a 3 percent reduction in energy usage.

  • Construction & Real Estate

    LAMDA Development Builds Efficient Media Asset Library with LCM Go Cloud on AWS

    LAMDA Development S.A., a holding company specializing in the development, investment, and management of real estate properties, was documenting its work on a large urban development project with video recordings, but quickly found that the volume of videos became unmanageable. It solved that problem by building a central storage solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Centralizing the videos has improved security and version control and made it faster and easier to access the resources when needed. The project being documented–The Ellinikon–is Europe’s largest urban regeneration project.

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